Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special Train No 01015

This article contains information about Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special train route, Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special train time table, Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special train schedule, Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special coach position, 01015 train route, 01015 train time table, 01015 train schedule, 01015 coach position, 01015 Stations, 01015 platform number, 01015 train platform. Also you will know train route from Mumbai to Bhopal, train schedule from Mumbai to Bhopal, train time table from Mumbai to Bhopal.


Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special

Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special Train Number 01015 from Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus to Bhopal HabibGanj is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in CR/Central Zone. It has started services from Thu Oct 02, 2014. It has 10 halts. 144 intermediate Stations between Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and Bhopal HabibGanj Covering a total distance of 836 km in 14h 30m time. The Departure time of Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special from Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus is 00:20 and arrival time at Bhopal HabibGanj is 14:50. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus station and Platform Number -- at Bhopal HabibGanj.

Schedule of Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special

From: CSTM Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
To: HBJ Bhopal HabibGanj
Departs @ 00:20
Arrive @ 14:50
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Travel Time: 14h 30m
10 halts
Distance: 836 km
Avg Speed: 58 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1CSTM Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus 00:20--10.04514mCRMumbai 400001, Maharashtra
2DR Dadar Central 00:3200:35--3m19.0587mCRMumbai 400014, Maharashtra
3TNA Thane 01:0001:0373m133.34010mCRPin:400601, Maharashtra
4KYN Kalyan Junction 01:3301:3845m153.54210mCRKalyan 421301, Maharashtra
5IGP Igatpuri 03:3503:4015m1135.355590mCRDist-Nasik Maharashtra 422403, Maharashtra
6NK Nasik Road 04:3504:4015m1186.088564mCRNashik 422214, Maharashtra
7MMR Manmad Junction 05:3005:3323m1258.987582mCRManmad 423104, Maharashtra
8BSL Bhusaval Junction 07:4007:50--10m1443.145209mCRBhusaval 425201, Maharashtra
9KNW Khandwa Junction 10:3510:40--5m1566.783309mCRKhandwa (M.P.) 450001, Madhya Pradesh
10HD Harda 11:5812:00--2m1674.270289mWCRHarda, Madhya Pradesh
11ET Itarsi Junction 13:0513:10--5m1749.951329mWCRDistrict Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh
12HBJ Bhopal HabibGanj 14:50--1835.6-496mWCRHabibGanj, Madhya Pradesh

Coach Postion (Rake)


Alternet Trains of Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
11057Mumbai CST - Amritsar (Pathankot) Express SMTWTFS
12137Punjab Mail SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus to Bhopal HabibGanj

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
11058Amritsar - Mumbai CST (Pathankot) Express SMTWTFS
12138Punjab Mail SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Mumbai to Bhopal

Mumbai CST - Habibganj Special Train Number 01015 runs in Mumbai to Bhopal Route. Above is the complete details about 01015 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.