Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special Train No 02261

This article contains information about Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special train route, Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special train time table, Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special train schedule, Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special coach position, 02261 train route, 02261 train time table, 02261 train schedule, 02261 coach position, 02261 Stations, 02261 platform number, 02261 train platform. Also you will know train route from Sealdah to Kamakhya, train schedule from Sealdah to Kamakhya, train time table from Sealdah to Kamakhya.


Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special

Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special Train Number 02261 from Sealdah to Kamakhya Junction is a AC SuperFast train belonging to Indian Railways in ER/Eastern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 5 halts. 179 intermediate Stations between Sealdah and Kamakhya Junction Covering a total distance of 1000 km in 18h 40m time. The Departure time of Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special from Sealdah is 23:55 and arrival time at Kamakhya Junction is 18:35 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number 9A at Sealdah station and Platform Number -- at Kamakhya Junction.

Schedule of Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special

From: SDAH Sealdah
To: KYQ Kamakhya Junction
Departs @ 23:55
Arrive @ 18:35 +1 night
Platform 9A
Platform --
Type: AC SuperFast
Travel Time: 18h 40m
5 halts
Distance: 1000 km
Avg Speed: 54 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1SDAH Sealdah 23:559A10.05311mERKolkata 700014, West Bengal
2MLDT Malda Town 06:1506:25--10m2337.87431mERPin-732101, West Bengal
3KNE KishanGanj 08:2508:2712m2486.05352mNFRDist - Kishanganj, Bihar
4NJP New Jalpaiguri Junction 10:0510:20--15m2573.342114mNFRDist - Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
5NCB New Cooch Behar 13:2013:25--5m2698.85848mNFRDist : Cooch Behar-736101, West Bengal
6NBQ New Bongaigaon Junction 15:3515:40--5m2824.25359mNFRBongaigaon 783381., Assam
7KYQ Kamakhya Junction 18:35--2999.7-53mNFRDist - Kamrup Metro, Assam

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
15657Kanchanjunga Express xxTxxFx
0357Sealdah Guwahati SF Special xxxWxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Sealdah to Kamakhya Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
15658Kanchanjunga Express xxxxTxS
0358Guwahati Sealdah SF Special xxxxTxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Sealdah to Kamakhya

Sealdah - Kamakhya SpecialFare AC SF Special Train Number 02261 runs in Sealdah to Kamakhya Route. Above is the complete details about 02261 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.