Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special Train No 04026

This article contains information about Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special train route, Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special train time table, Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special train schedule, Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special coach position, 04026 train route, 04026 train time table, 04026 train schedule, 04026 coach position, 04026 Stations, 04026 platform number, 04026 train platform. Also you will know train route from Anand to Gorakhpur, train schedule from Anand to Gorakhpur, train time table from Anand to Gorakhpur.


Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special

Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special Train Number 04026 from Anand Vihar Terminal to Gorakhpur Junction is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in NR/Northern Zone. It has started services from Tue May 27, 2014. It has 8 halts. 120 intermediate Stations between Anand Vihar Terminal and Gorakhpur Junction Covering a total distance of 735 km in 14h 50m time. The Departure time of Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special from Anand Vihar Terminal is 23:45 and arrival time at Gorakhpur Junction is 14:35 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Anand Vihar Terminal station and Platform Number -- at Gorakhpur Junction.

Schedule of Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special

From: ANVT Anand Vihar Terminal
To: GKP Gorakhpur Junction
Departs @ 23:45
Arrive @ 14:35 +1 night
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Travel Time: 14h 50m
8 halts
Distance: 735 km
Avg Speed: 50 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1ANVT Anand Vihar Terminal 23:45--10.020209mNRGhazipur Road pincode 110092, Delhi NCT
2GZB Ghaziabad Junction 00:2300:25--2m212.655216mNR201009, Uttar Pradesh
3HPU Hapur Junction 01:0501:08--3m249.461216mNRHapur Jn., Uttar Pradesh
4MB Moradabad Junction 02:5003:00--10m2153.340197mNRMoradabad, Uttar Pradesh
5CH Chandausi Junction 04:0504:10--5m2197.142194mNRChandausi, Uttar Pradesh
6SCC Sitapur Cantt. 09:1209:20--8m2423.666142mNERSitapur, Uttar Pradesh
7GD Gonda Junction 11:4511:50--5m2582.876110mNER271002, Uttar Pradesh
8MUR Mankapur Junction 12:1212:14--2m2610.865104mNERDistrict Gonda, Uttar Pradesh
9BST Basti 13:1013:15--5m2671.44891mNERBasti 272001, Uttar Pradesh
10GKP Gorakhpur Junction 14:35--2734.8-84mNERGorakhpur 273001, Uttar Pradesh

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12558Sapt Kranti SF Express SMTWTFS
12212Anand Vihar - Muzaffarpur Garib Rath Express xxxWxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Anand Vihar Terminal to Gorakhpur Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12557Sapt Kranti SF Express SMTWTFS
12211Muzaffarpur - Anand Vihar Garib Rath Express xxxxxFx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Anand to Gorakhpur

Anand Vihar - Gorakhpur Jansadharan Special Train Number 04026 runs in Anand to Gorakhpur Route. Above is the complete details about 04026 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.