Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special Train No 04118

This article contains information about Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special train route, Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special train time table, Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special train schedule, Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special coach position, 04118 train route, 04118 train time table, 04118 train schedule, 04118 coach position, 04118 Stations, 04118 platform number, 04118 train platform. Also you will know train route from Basti to Allahabad, train schedule from Basti to Allahabad, train time table from Basti to Allahabad.


Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special

Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special Train Number 04118 from Basti to Allahabad Junction is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in NCR/North Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 8 halts. 38 intermediate Stations between Basti and Allahabad Junction Covering a total distance of 263 km in 6h 44m time. The Departure time of Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special from Basti is 17:15 and arrival time at Allahabad Junction is 23:59. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Basti station and Platform Number -- at Allahabad Junction.

Schedule of Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special

From: BST Basti
To: ALD Allahabad Junction
Departs @ 17:15
Arrive @ 23:59
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Zone:NCR/North Central
Travel Time: 6h 44m
8 halts
Distance: 263 km
Avg Speed: 39 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BST Basti 17:15--10.05991mNERBasti 272001, Uttar Pradesh
2TH Tinich 17:3017:32--2m114.75595mNERDistrict- Basti, Uttar Pradesh
3GAUR Gaur 17:4117:43--2m123.03896mNERDistrict-Basti, Uttar Pradesh
4MUR Mankapur Junction 18:4318:45--2m160.565104mNERDistrict Gonda, Uttar Pradesh
5KEA Katra UP 19:1219:1412m189.61999mNERDist Gonda, Uttar Pradesh
6AY Ayodhya Junction 19:4119:43--2m198.11899mNRAyodhya, Uttar Pradesh
7FD Faizabad Junction 20:0620:11--5m1105.251104mNRFaizabad, Uttar Pradesh
8SLN Sultanpur Junction 21:2121:23--2m1164.24498mNRSultanpur., Uttar Pradesh
9PBH Pratapgarh Junction 22:1822:23--5m1204.13797mNRPratapgarh 230001, Uttar Pradesh
10ALD Allahabad Junction 23:59--1263.0-100mNCRAllahabad 211003, Uttar Pradesh

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
18206Nautanwa - Durg Express (Via Sultanpur) xxxxxxS
14118Manwar Sangam Express xMTWxFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Basti to Allahabad Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
18205Durg - Nautanwa Express (Via Sultanpur) xxxxTxx
14117Manwar Sangam Express xMTWxFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Basti to Allahabad

Anand Vihar - Allahabad SF SpecialFare Special Train Number 04118 runs in Basti to Allahabad Route. Above is the complete details about 04118 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.