Banihal - Baramulla DMU Train No 04611

This article contains information about Banihal - Baramulla DMU train route, Banihal - Baramulla DMU train time table, Banihal - Baramulla DMU train schedule, Banihal - Baramulla DMU coach position, 04611 train route, 04611 train time table, 04611 train schedule, 04611 coach position, 04611 Stations, 04611 platform number, 04611 train platform. Also you will know train route from Banihal to Baramula, train schedule from Banihal to Baramula, train time table from Banihal to Baramula.


Banihal - Baramulla DMU

Banihal - Baramulla DMU Train Number 04611 from Banihal to Baramula is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in NR/Northern Zone. It has started services from Mon Jun 02, 2014. It has 11 halts. 15 intermediate Stations between Banihal and Baramula Covering a total distance of 135 km in 3h 35m time. The Departure time of Banihal - Baramulla DMU from Banihal is 08:10 and arrival time at Baramula is 11:45. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Banihal station and Platform Number -- at Baramula.

Schedule of Banihal - Baramulla DMU

From: BAHL Banihal
To: BRML Baramula
Departs @ 08:10
Arrive @ 11:45
Platform --
Platform --
Type: DEMU
Travel Time: 3h 35m
11 halts
Distance: 135 km
Avg Speed: 38 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Banihal - Baramulla DMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BAHL Banihal 08:10--10.0501706mNRDistt. Ramban 182146, Jammu and Kashmir
2HRSB Hiller Shahabad 08:2608:2711m113.4411757mNRdistt. anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir
3QG Qazigund 08:3308:37--4m117.5641722mNRQazigund Distt. Kulgam 192221, Jammu and Kashmir
4SDUA Sadura 08:4708:48--1m128.1571624mNRSadura, Jammu and Kashmir
5ANT Anantnag 08:5608:58--2m135.8561595mNRAnantnag, Jammu and Kashmir
6BJBA Bijbiara 09:0509:06--1m142.3591594mNRBijbiara, Jammu and Kashmir
7PJGM Panzgom 09:1309:14--1m149.2611592mNRPanzgam, Jammu and Kashmir
8ATPA Awantipura 09:2109:22--1m156.3611591mNRDistt. Pulawama 192305, Jammu and Kashmir
9KAPE Kakapor 09:3209:33--1m166.5501588mNRKakapore, Jammu and Kashmir
10PMPE Pampur 09:4009:41--1m172.3521586mNRPampora, Jammu and Kashmir
11SINA Srinagar Kashmir 09:4809:50--2m178.4271583mNRSrinagar 190015, Jammu and Kashmir
12BDGM Badgam 10:1510:20--5m189.8-1588mNRLakhri Pora, Jammu and Kashmir
13BRML Baramula 11:45--1135.3-1577mNRBaramulla 193101, Jammu and Kashmir

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Banihal - Baramulla DMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
74625Banihal Baramula DEMU SMTWTFS
74627Banihal Baramula DEMU SMxWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Banihal to Baramula

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
74628Baramula Banihal DEMU SMTWTFS
74630Baramula Banihal DEMU SMxWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Banihal to Baramula

Banihal - Baramulla DMU Train Number 04611 runs in Banihal to Baramula Route. Above is the complete details about 04611 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.