Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special Train No 04867

This article contains information about Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special train route, Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special train time table, Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special train schedule, Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special coach position, 04867 train route, 04867 train time table, 04867 train schedule, 04867 coach position, 04867 Stations, 04867 platform number, 04867 train platform. Also you will know train route from Bhagat to Patna, train schedule from Bhagat to Patna, train time table from Bhagat to Patna.


Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special

Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special Train Number 04867 from Bhagat Ki Kothi to Patna Junction is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in NWR/North Western Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 11 halts. 236 intermediate Stations between Bhagat Ki Kothi and Patna Junction Covering a total distance of 1545 km in 31h 35m time. The Departure time of Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special from Bhagat Ki Kothi is 09:45 and arrival time at Patna Junction is 17:20 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Bhagat Ki Kothi station and Platform Number -- at Patna Junction.

Schedule of Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special

From: BGKT Bhagat Ki Kothi
To: PNBE Patna Junction
Departs @ 09:45
Arrive @ 17:20 +1 night
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Zone:NWR/North Western
Travel Time: 31h 35m
11 halts
Distance: 1545 km
Avg Speed: 49 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BGKT Bhagat Ki Kothi 09:45--10.050228mNWRRajasthan 342001, Rajasthan
2MJ Marwar Junction 11:4512:15--30m1100.353267mNWRMarwar Junction, Rajasthan
3BER Beawar 13:5514:00--5m1188.145445mNWRBeawar, Rajasthan
4AII Ajmer Junction 15:1016:00--50m1240.260480mNWRAjmer-305001, Rajasthan
5FL Phulera Junction 17:2017:30--10m1320.355388mNWRPhulera, Rajasthan
6JP Jaipur Junction 18:3019:15--45m1375.079436mNWRJaipur, Rajasthan
7SWM Sawai Madhopur Junction 20:5521:00--5m1506.841265mWCRSawai Madhopur, Rajasthan
8AF Agra Fort 02:3002:40--10m2732.221169mNCRAgra, Uttar Pradesh
9TDL Tundla Junction 03:4503:50--5m2755.277166mNCRDistt.Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh
10CNB Kanpur Central 06:5007:00--10m2986.360129mNCRKANPUR-208 001, Uttar Pradesh
11ALD Allahabad Junction 10:1510:20--5m21180.746100mNCRAllahabad 211003, Uttar Pradesh
12MGS Mughal Sarai Junction 13:4013:50--10m21333.46084mECRDistt: Chandauli Pin 232101, Uttar Pradesh
13PNBE Patna Junction 17:20--21544.9-57mECRPatna 800001, Bihar

Coach Postion (Rake)


Alternet Trains of Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
15623Bhagat Ki Kothi - Kamakhya Express xxTxxxx
05623Bhagat Ki Kothi - Kamakhya Special xxTxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Bhagat Ki Kothi to Patna Junction

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Bhagat to Patna

Bhagat Ki Kothi Patna Special Train Number 04867 runs in Bhagat to Patna Route. Above is the complete details about 04867 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.