Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU Train No 052EC

This article contains information about Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU train route, Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU train time table, Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU train schedule, Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU coach position, 052EC train route, 052EC train time table, 052EC train schedule, 052EC coach position, 052EC Stations, 052EC platform number, 052EC train platform. Also you will know train route from Dehri to Gaya, train schedule from Dehri to Gaya, train time table from Dehri to Gaya.


Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU

Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU Train Number 052EC from Dehri On Sone to Gaya Junction is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 10 halts. 14 intermediate Stations between Dehri On Sone and Gaya Junction Covering a total distance of 85 km in 2h 25m time. The Departure time of Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU from Dehri On Sone is 18:55 and arrival time at Gaya Junction is 21:20. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Dehri On Sone station and Platform Number -- at Gaya Junction.

Schedule of Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU

From: DOS Dehri On Sone
To: GAYA Gaya Junction
Departs @ 18:55
Arrive @ 21:20
Platform --
Platform --
Type: MEMU
Travel Time: 2h 25m
10 halts
Distance: 85 km
Avg Speed: 35 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1DOS Dehri On Sone 18:55--10.058113mECRRohtas(06184-253154), Bihar
2SEB Son Nagar Junction 19:0119:02--1m15.840110mECRPin:824112, Bihar
3AUBR Anugraha Narayan Road 19:1819:19--1m116.554104mECR06186-285271, Bihar
4PES Phesar 19:2919:30--1m125.545104mECRBihar 824121, Bihar
5BHKH Baghoi Kusa 19:3619:37--1m130.05698mECR824120, Bihar
6JHN Jakhim 19:4419:45--1m136.54793mECRbel Rd, Bihar
7RFJ RafiGanj 19:5920:00--1m147.550102mECRRafiganj, Bihar
8IMGE Ismailpur 20:1120:12--1m156.751114mECRState Highway 69, Bihar
9GRRU Guraru 20:2020:21--1m163.551113mECR824118, Bihar
10PRY Paraiya 20:2820:29--1m169.511111mECRparaiya station Rd, Bihar
11KSTA Kastha 21:0721:08--1m176.642113mECRGaya, Bihar
12GAYA Gaya Junction 21:20--185.1-115mECR0631-2220283, Bihar

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12941Parasnath SF Express xxTxxxx
14224Budhpurnima Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Dehri On Sone to Gaya Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12942Parasnath SF Express xxxxTxx
14223Budhpurnima Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Dehri to Gaya

Dehri On Sone Gaya Passenger MEMU Train Number 052EC runs in Dehri to Gaya Route. Above is the complete details about 052EC Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.