Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special Train No 05621

This article contains information about Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special train route, Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special train time table, Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special train schedule, Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special coach position, 05621 train route, 05621 train time table, 05621 train schedule, 05621 coach position, 05621 Stations, 05621 platform number, 05621 train platform. Also you will know train route from Guwahati to Mahur, train schedule from Guwahati to Mahur, train time table from Guwahati to Mahur.


Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special

Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special Train Number 05621 from Guwahati to Mahur is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in NFR/Northeast Frontier Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 11 halts. 41 intermediate Stations between Guwahati and Mahur Covering a total distance of 269 km in 7h 50m time. The Departure time of Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special from Guwahati is 23:55 and arrival time at Mahur is 07:45 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Guwahati station and Platform Number -- at Mahur.

Schedule of Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special

From: GHY Guwahati
To: MXR Mahur
Departs @ 23:55
Arrive @ 07:45 +1 night
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Zone:NFR/Northeast Frontier
Travel Time: 7h 50m
11 halts
Distance: 269 km
Avg Speed: 34 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1GHY Guwahati 23:55--10.05060mNFRGuwahati-781001, Assam
2HJI Hojai 02:3702:3912m2135.62878mNFRHojai Rd. Ph:- 03674-252136., Assam
3LMG Lumding Junction 04:1505:00--45m2180.539141mNFRDist - Hojai, Assam
4MYD Manderdisa 05:1605:17--1m2190.941148mNFRDist - Dima Hassao, Assam
5HTL Hatikhali 05:3105:3211m2200.533216mNFRDist - Dima Hassao, Assam
6DBLG Dibolong 05:4305:4411m2206.744257mNFRdist - Dima Hassao, Assam
7LGT Langting 06:0106:03--2m2219.039152mNFRLangting, Assam
8DKE Dihakho 06:1606:1711m2227.637222mNFRDiakkawn Rd, Assam
9MUPA Mupa 06:2906:30--1m2235.029240mNFRPIN - 788832, Assam
10MBG Maibang 06:4906:51--2m2244.224277mNFRDistt Dima Hasao, Assam
11DJA Daotuhaja 07:1607:17--1m2254.140385mNFRDistt - Dima Hasao, Assam
12PDJ Phiding 07:3107:3211m2263.425495mNFRNational Highway 54, Assam
13MXR Mahur 07:45--2268.9-529mNFRDistt Dima Hasao, Assam

Coach Postion (Rake)


Alternet Trains of Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
55615Guwahati - Silchar Fast Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 1

Return Train from Guwahati to Mahur

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
55616Silchar - Guwahati Fast Passenger SMTWTFS
05622Mahur - Guwahati Passenger Special xMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Guwahati to Mahur

Guwahati - Mahur Passenger Special Train Number 05621 runs in Guwahati to Mahur Route. Above is the complete details about 05621 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.