Guwahati -New Delhi Special Train No 05635

This article contains information about Guwahati -New Delhi Special train route, Guwahati -New Delhi Special train time table, Guwahati -New Delhi Special train schedule, Guwahati -New Delhi Special coach position, 05635 train route, 05635 train time table, 05635 train schedule, 05635 coach position, 05635 Stations, 05635 platform number, 05635 train platform. Also you will know train route from Guwahati to New, train schedule from Guwahati to New, train time table from Guwahati to New.


Guwahati -New Delhi Special

Guwahati -New Delhi Special Train Number 05635 from Guwahati to New Delhi is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in NFR/Northeast Frontier Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 12 halts. 318 intermediate Stations between Guwahati and New Delhi Covering a total distance of 1898 km in 32h 40m time. The Departure time of Guwahati -New Delhi Special from Guwahati is 06:00 and arrival time at New Delhi is 14:40 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Guwahati station and Platform Number -- at New Delhi.

Schedule of Guwahati -New Delhi Special

From: GHY Guwahati
To: NDLS New Delhi
Departs @ 06:00
Arrive @ 14:40 +1 night
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Zone:NFR/Northeast Frontier
Travel Time: 32h 40m
12 halts
Distance: 1898 km
Avg Speed: 58 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Guwahati -New Delhi Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1GHY Guwahati 06:00--10.07260mNFRGuwahati-781001, Assam
2NBQ New Bongaigaon Junction 08:1108:13--2m1156.86859mNFRBongaigaon 783381., Assam
3NCB New Cooch Behar 10:0310:05--2m1282.26848mNFRDist : Cooch Behar-736101, West Bengal
4NJP New Jalpaiguri Junction 11:5512:05--10m1407.879114mNFRDist - Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
5KNE KishanGanj 13:1113:13--2m1495.13652mNFRDist - Kishanganj, Bihar
6KIR Katihar Junction 15:5516:05--10m1591.37036mNFRKatihar 854105, Bihar
7BJU Barauni Junction 18:4019:00--20m1771.24649mECRBegusarai, Bihar
8CPR Chhapra Junction 22:1022:15--5m1918.37258mNERDistt: Saran, Bihar
9BUI Ballia 23:1023:15--5m1984.55265mNERBallia, Uttar Pradesh
10BSB Varanasi Junction 01:5502:05--10m21123.97982mNRVaranasi 221002, Uttar Pradesh
11LKO Lucknow Charbagh NR 05:4005:55--15m21406.760124mNRLucknow 226004, Uttar Pradesh
12BE Bareilly Junction 09:5009:55--5m21642.060174mNRUttar Pradesh 243003, Uttar Pradesh
13MB Moradabad Junction 11:2511:35--10m21732.454197mNRMoradabad, Uttar Pradesh
14NDLS New Delhi 14:40--21898.0-216mNRAjmeri Gate 110002, Delhi NCT

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Guwahati -New Delhi Special

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Guwahati to New Delhi

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Guwahati to New

Guwahati -New Delhi Special Train Number 05635 runs in Guwahati to New Route. Above is the complete details about 05635 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.