H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli) Train No 07631

This article contains information about H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli) train route, H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli) train time table, H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli) train schedule, H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli) coach position, 07631 train route, 07631 train time table, 07631 train schedule, 07631 coach position, 07631 Stations, 07631 platform number, 07631 train platform. Also you will know train route from Hazur to Pune, train schedule from Hazur to Pune, train time table from Hazur to Pune.


H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli)

H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli) Train Number 07631 from Hazur Sahib Nanded to Pune Junction is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in SCR/South Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 8 halts. 69 intermediate Stations between Hazur Sahib Nanded and Pune Junction Covering a total distance of 554 km in 13h 45m time. The Departure time of H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli) from Hazur Sahib Nanded is 06:15 and arrival time at Pune Junction is 20:00. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Hazur Sahib Nanded station and Platform Number -- at Pune Junction.

Schedule of H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli)

From: NED Hazur Sahib Nanded
To: PUNE Pune Junction
Departs @ 06:15
Arrive @ 20:00
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Zone:SCR/South Central
Travel Time: 13h 45m
8 halts
Distance: 554 km
Avg Speed: 40 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli)

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1NED Hazur Sahib Nanded 06:15--10.037367mSCR431601, Maharashtra
2PAU Purna Junction 07:0507:10--5m130.443383mSCRPurna, Maharashtra
3PBN Parbhani Junction 07:5007:52--2m158.839411mSCRParbhani 431401, Maharashtra
4PRLI Parli Vaijnath 09:3009:50--20m1122.742461mSCRDistrict - Beed, Maharashtra
5LTRR Latur Road Junction 11:2011:40--20m1185.849648mSCRLatur Road ph.no 02381 258044, Maharashtra
6LUR Latur 12:2012:30--10m1218.856621mCRLatur, Maharashtra
7UMD Osmanabad 13:5513:57--2m1298.036676mCROsmanabad, Maharashtra
8KWV Kurduvadi Junction 16:0016:10--10m1370.843516mCRDist-Solapur, Maharashtra
9DD Daund Junction 18:4018:45--5m1478.960520mCRNew Daund Dist. Pune 413801, Maharashtra
10PUNE Pune Junction 20:00--1554.3-556mCRPune 411001, Maharashtra

Coach Postion (Rake)


Alternet Trains of H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli)

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Hazur Sahib Nanded to Pune Junction

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Hazur to Pune

H.S Nanded - Pune Special (Via Parli) Train Number 07631 runs in Hazur to Pune Route. Above is the complete details about 07631 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.