Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special Train No 07831

This article contains information about Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special train route, Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special train time table, Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special train schedule, Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special coach position, 07831 train route, 07831 train time table, 07831 train schedule, 07831 coach position, 07831 Stations, 07831 platform number, 07831 train platform. Also you will know train route from Manchiryal to Secunderabad, train schedule from Manchiryal to Secunderabad, train time table from Manchiryal to Secunderabad.


Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special

Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special Train Number 07831 from Manchiryal to Secunderabad Junction is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in SCR/South Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 21 halts. 38 intermediate Stations between Manchiryal and Secunderabad Junction Covering a total distance of 238 km in 5h 30m time. The Departure time of Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special from Manchiryal is 17:45 and arrival time at Secunderabad Junction is 23:15. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Manchiryal station and Platform Number -- at Secunderabad Junction.

Schedule of Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special

From: MCI Manchiryal
To: SC Secunderabad Junction
Departs @ 17:45
Arrive @ 23:15
Platform --
Platform --
Type: MEMU
Zone:SCR/South Central
Travel Time: 5h 30m
21 halts
Distance: 238 km
Avg Speed: 43 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1MCI Manchiryal 17:45--10.055159mSCRManchiryal Dist., Telangana
2RDM Ramagundam 18:0018:02--2m113.821170mSCRPeddapalli Dist. Ph : 08728 - 255237, Telangana
3RGPM Raghavapuram 18:3018:32--2m123.522211mSCRPeddapalli Dist., Telangana
4PDPL Peddapalli Junction 18:5318:54--1m131.451230mSCRPeddapalli Dist., Telangana
5KOLR Kolanoor 19:1019:11--1m145.077223mSCRPeddapalli Dist., Telangana
6PTKP Potkapalli 19:1819:19--1m153.9101219mSCRPeddapalli Dist., Telangana
7JMKT Jammikunta 19:2919:30--1m170.890242mSCRKarimnagar Dist., Telangana
8OPL Uppal 19:3819:39--1m182.839251mSCRWarangal Dist., Telangana
9HSP Hasanparthi Road 19:5719:58--1m194.6104262mSCRWarangal Dist., Telangana
10KZJ Kazipet Junction 20:0520:10--5m1106.848291mSCRWarangal Dist., Telangana
11PQL Pindial 20:2020:21--1m1114.751322mSCRWarangal, Telangana
12GNP Ghanpur 20:3520:36--1m1126.747343mSCRJangaon Dist. / Enq Ph : 08711 220231, Telangana
13RGP Raghunathpalli 20:5720:58--1m1143.158355mSCRJangaon Dist., Telangana
14ZN Jangaon 21:1021:11--1m1154.833380mSCRJangaon Distt., Telangana
15PBP Pembarti 21:2121:22--1m1160.259382mSCRJangaon Dist., Telangana
16ALER Aler 21:3121:32--1m1169.163368mSCRYadadri-Bhuvanagiri Dist., Telangana
17WP Wangapalli 21:4221:43--1m1179.6106393mSCRYadadri-Bhuvanagiri Dist., Telangana
18BG Bhongir 21:5021:51--1m1192.057455mSCRYadadri-Bhuvanagiri Dist., Telangana
19BN Bibinagar 22:0522:06--1m1205.385447mSCRYadadri-Bhuvanagiri Dist., Telangana
20GT Ghatkesar 22:1522:16--1m1218.140478mSCRMedchal-Malkajgiri Dist., Telangana
21CHZ Charlapalli 22:2822:29--1m1226.143525mSCRMedchal Dist., Telangana
22MLY Moula Ali 22:3822:39--1m1232.610520mSCRSecunderabad, Telangana
23SC Secunderabad Junction 23:15--1238.4-539mSCRSecunderabad 500003, Telangana

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12724Telangana (A.P) SF Express SMTWTFS
12591Gorakhpur-Yesvantpur SF Express xxxxxxS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Manchiryal to Secunderabad Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12723Telangana SF (AP) Express SMTWTFS
17233Bhagyanagar Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Manchiryal to Secunderabad

Manchiryal - Secunderabad Pushkaram Special Train Number 07831 runs in Manchiryal to Secunderabad Route. Above is the complete details about 07831 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.