Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special Train No 07885

This article contains information about Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special train route, Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special train time table, Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special train schedule, Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special coach position, 07885 train route, 07885 train time table, 07885 train schedule, 07885 coach position, 07885 Stations, 07885 platform number, 07885 train platform. Also you will know train route from Rajahmundry to Kotipalli, train schedule from Rajahmundry to Kotipalli, train time table from Rajahmundry to Kotipalli.


Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special

Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special Train Number 07885 from Rajahmundry to Kotipalli is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in SCR/South Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 17 halts. 21 intermediate Stations between Rajahmundry and Kotipalli Covering a total distance of 108 km in 4h 15m time. The Departure time of Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special from Rajahmundry is 05:45 and arrival time at Kotipalli is 10:00. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Rajahmundry station and Platform Number 1 at Kotipalli.

Schedule of Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special

From: RJY Rajahmundry
To: KPLH Kotipalli
Departs @ 05:45
Arrive @ 10:00
Platform --
Platform 1
Type: DEMU
Zone:SCR/South Central
Travel Time: 4h 15m
17 halts
Distance: 108 km
Avg Speed: 25 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1RJY Rajahmundry 05:45--10.04623mSCRRajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh
2KYM Kadiyam 05:5806:0012m110.03317mSCREast Godavari, Andhra Pradesh
3DWP Dwarapudi 06:1806:20--2m119.92818mSCREast Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh
4APT Anaparti 06:2806:30--2m123.63119mSCREast Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh
5BVL Bikkavolu 06:4806:50--2m132.94919mSCREast Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh
6MPU Medapadu 07:0007:02--2m141.22620mSCRMedapadu, Andhra Pradesh
7SLO Samalkot Junction 07:2307:25--2m150.13718mSCRSamalkot, Andhra Pradesh
8CCT Kakinada Town Junction 07:4508:00--15m162.64210mSCREast Godavari, Andhra Pradesh
9KOVH Kovvada 08:0808:0911m168.23011mSCRSamalkota, Andhra Pradesh
10AKAH Artalakatta 08:1808:1911m172.7454mSCRKakinada Rd, Andhra Pradesh
11KRAP Karapa 08:2508:2611m177.3277mSCRKarapa, Andhra Pradesh
12VH Vakada 08:3308:3411m180.4386mSCRNarasapurapupeta, Andhra Pradesh
13VGH Velangi 08:4008:4111m184.2185mSCRNarasapurapupeta, Andhra Pradesh
14NSPH Narasapurapupeta 08:5008:5111m186.9407mSCRNarasapurapupeta, Andhra Pradesh
15RBCS Ramachandrapuram 09:0009:02--2m192.9286mSCRRamachandrapuram, Andhra Pradesh
16DKSA Draksharama 09:1209:1311m197.5229mSCRDraksharamam, Andhra Pradesh
17KDUH Kunduru 09:2309:2411m1101.21810mSCRKunduru, Andhra Pradesh
18GVMH Gangavaram 09:3609:3812m1104.787mSCRGangavararam, Andhra Pradesh
19KPLH Kotipalli 10:0011107.8-7mSCRKotipalli, Andhra Pradesh

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
No Data
Total Alternet Trains: 0

Return Train from Rajahmundry to Kotipalli

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
07884Kotipalli - Rajahmundry Pushkaram Special Sxxxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 1

Train From Rajahmundry to Kotipalli

Rajahmundry - Kotipalli Pushkaram Special Train Number 07885 runs in Rajahmundry to Kotipalli Route. Above is the complete details about 07885 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.