Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special Train No 07907

This article contains information about Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special train route, Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special train time table, Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special train schedule, Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special coach position, 07907 train route, 07907 train time table, 07907 train schedule, 07907 coach position, 07907 Stations, 07907 platform number, 07907 train platform. Also you will know train route from Basar to Malkajgiri, train schedule from Basar to Malkajgiri, train time table from Basar to Malkajgiri.


Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special

Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special Train Number 07907 from Basar to Malkajgiri Junction is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in SCR/South Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 7 halts. 34 intermediate Stations between Basar and Malkajgiri Junction Covering a total distance of 187 km in 4h 0m time. The Departure time of Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special from Basar is 10:00 and arrival time at Malkajgiri Junction is 14:00. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Basar station and Platform Number -- at Malkajgiri Junction.

Schedule of Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special

From: BSX Basar
To: MJF Malkajgiri Junction
Departs @ 10:00
Arrive @ 14:00
Platform --
Platform --
Type: DEMU
Zone:SCR/South Central
Travel Time: 4h 0m
7 halts
Distance: 187 km
Avg Speed: 47 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BSX Basar 10:00--10.087345mSCRDist Nirmal, Telangana
2NVT Navipet 10:1010:11--1m114.539374mSCRNizamabad Dist., Telangana
3JKM Jankampet Junction 10:2410:2511m123.025392mSCRNizamabad., Telangana
4NZB Nizamabad Junction 10:4010:45--5m129.342385mSCRNizamabad, Telangana
5KMC Kamareddi 12:0012:05--5m181.359524mSCRKamareddy Dist., Telangana
6MZL Mirzapalli 12:4212:4311m1117.861539mSCRMedak Dist., Telangana
7MOB Manoharabad 13:1413:15--1m1149.280592mSCRMedak Dist., Telangana
8MED Medchal 13:2513:26--1m1162.542601mSCRMedchal Dist., Telangana
9MJF Malkajgiri Junction 14:00--1186.6-534mSCRTel: 040-27058035, Telangana

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
17406Krishna Express SMTWTFS
17063Ajanta Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Basar to Malkajgiri Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
17064Ajanta Express SMTWTFS
17405Krishna Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Basar to Malkajgiri

Basar - Malkajgiri Pushkaram Special Train Number 07907 runs in Basar to Malkajgiri Route. Above is the complete details about 07907 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.