Indore - Pune Inaugural Special Train No 09312

This article contains information about Indore - Pune Inaugural Special train route, Indore - Pune Inaugural Special train time table, Indore - Pune Inaugural Special train schedule, Indore - Pune Inaugural Special coach position, 09312 train route, 09312 train time table, 09312 train schedule, 09312 coach position, 09312 Stations, 09312 platform number, 09312 train platform. Also you will know train route from Indore to Pune, train schedule from Indore to Pune, train time table from Indore to Pune.


Indore - Pune Inaugural Special

Indore - Pune Inaugural Special Train Number 09312 from Indore Junction BG to Pune Junction is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in WR/Western Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 15 halts. 169 intermediate Stations between Indore Junction BG and Pune Junction Covering a total distance of 966 km in 19h 0m time. The Departure time of Indore - Pune Inaugural Special from Indore Junction BG is 17:25 and arrival time at Pune Junction is 12:25 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Indore Junction BG station and Platform Number -- at Pune Junction.

Schedule of Indore - Pune Inaugural Special

From: INDB Indore Junction BG
To: PUNE Pune Junction
Departs @ 17:25
Arrive @ 12:25 +1 night
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Travel Time: 19h 0m
15 halts
Distance: 966 km
Avg Speed: 51 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Indore - Pune Inaugural Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1INDB Indore Junction BG 17:25--10.052553mWRIndore 452001, Madhya Pradesh
2DWX Dewas Junction 18:1018:12--2m138.864540mWRDewas, Madhya Pradesh
3UJN Ujjain Junction 18:5019:00--10m179.361493mWRUjjain 456001, Madhya Pradesh
4NAD Nagda Junction 19:5519:57--2m1134.858469mWRNagda - 456335, Madhya Pradesh
5RTM Ratlam Junction 20:4020:45--5m1176.280495mWR457001, Madhya Pradesh
6MGN Meghnagar 21:4521:47--2m1256.686321mWRJhabua, Madhya Pradesh
7DHD Dahod 22:1022:12--2m1289.842314mWRDahod, Gujarat
8GDA Godhra Junction 23:5723:59--2m1362.973122mWRGodhra, Gujarat
9BRC Vadodara Junction 01:0001:10--10m2436.76837mWRVadodara 390005, Gujarat
10ST Surat 03:0503:10--5m2566.46218mWRSurat 395001, Gujarat
11BSR Vasai Road 06:4006:45--5m2782.3786mWRVasai 401202, Maharashtra
12BIRD Bhiwandi Road 07:0607:08--2m2809.63824mCRDist-Thane 421302, Maharashtra
13PNVL Panvel Junction 08:0508:10--5m2845.53811mCRPanvel, Maharashtra
14KJT Karjat Junction 08:5509:00--5m2874.02258mCRKarjat, Maharashtra
15LNL Lonavala 10:1610:18--2m2901.979623mCRLonavala 410401, Maharashtra
16CCH Chinchwad 10:5410:55--1m2949.211574mCRPune 411033, Maharashtra
17PUNE Pune Junction 12:25--2965.6-556mCRPune 411001, Maharashtra

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Indore - Pune Inaugural Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
22944Indore - Pune Express SMxWTFx
09302Indore - Pune Tatkal Fare Special xxxxxFx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Indore Junction BG to Pune Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
22943Pune - Indore Express xMTxTFS
09301Pune - Indore Tatkal Fare Special xxxxxxS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Indore to Pune

Indore - Pune Inaugural Special Train Number 09312 runs in Indore to Pune Route. Above is the complete details about 09312 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.