New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express Train No 15741

This article contains information about New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express train route, New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express train time table, New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express train schedule, New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express coach position, 15741 train route, 15741 train time table, 15741 train schedule, 15741 coach position, 15741 Stations, 15741 platform number, 15741 train platform. Also you will know train route from New to Alipur, train schedule from New to Alipur, train time table from New to Alipur.


New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express

New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express Train Number 15741 from New Jalpaiguri Junction to Alipur Duar Junction is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in NFR/Northeast Frontier Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 14 halts. 27 intermediate Stations between New Jalpaiguri Junction and Alipur Duar Junction Covering a total distance of 168 km in 4h 20m time. The Departure time of New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express from New Jalpaiguri Junction is 16:50 and arrival time at Alipur Duar Junction is 21:10. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at New Jalpaiguri Junction station and Platform Number -- at Alipur Duar Junction.

Schedule of New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express

From: NJP New Jalpaiguri Junction
To: APDJ Alipur Duar Junction
Departs @ 16:50
Arrive @ 21:10
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Zone:NFR/Northeast Frontier
Travel Time: 4h 20m
14 halts
Distance: 168 km
Avg Speed: 39 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1NJP New Jalpaiguri Junction 16:50--10.027114mNFRDist - Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
2SGUT Siliguri Town 17:0017:01--1m14.618121mNFRPin- 734001, West Bengal
3SGUJ Siliguri Junction 17:1017:15--5m17.356120mNFRAluabari Road, West Bengal
4ODB Oodlabari 17:5517:5611m144.445164mNFRDist - Jalpaiguri 735222, West Bengal
5NMZ New Mal Junction 18:1018:12--2m155.052161mNFRDist - Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
6CLD Chalsa 18:2118:33--12m162.841182mNFRDist - Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
7NKB Nagrakata 18:5218:53--1m175.850178mNFR735225, West Bengal
8BNQ Banarhat 19:1319:20--7m192.750161mNFRDist - Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
9BNV Binnaguri 19:2819:30--2m199.460133mNFRDist : Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
10DLO Dalgaon 19:3919:40--1m1108.358120mNFRDist : Alipurduar, West Bengal
11MDT Madarihat 19:5519:5611m1122.850102mNFRDist - Alipurduar, West Bengal
12HSA Hasimara 20:0920:10--1m1133.642123mNFRDist - Alipurduar, West Bengal
13HOJ Hamilton Ganj 20:2320:2411m1142.721111mNFRDist : Alipurduar, West Bengal
14KCF Kalchini 20:3220:33--1m1145.554115mNFRDist : Alipurduar, West Bengal
15RVK Raja Bhat Khawa 20:4620:47--1m1157.32976mNFRDist - Alipurduar, West Bengal
16APDJ Alipur Duar Junction 21:10--1168.4-53mNFRDist - Alipurduar, West Bengal

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
15661Ranchi - Kamakhya Express SxxWxxx
13248Capital Express SMTWxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from New Jalpaiguri Junction to Alipur Duar Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13247Capital Express xxTWTFx
5642Guwahati Jhajha Express xxxxTxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From New to Alipur

New Jalpaiguri Alipurduar Express Train Number 15741 runs in New to Alipur Route. Above is the complete details about 15741 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.