Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express Train No 16515.

This article contains information about Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express train route, Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express train time table, Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express train schedule, Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express coach position, 16515. train route, 16515. train time table, 16515. train schedule, 16515. coach position, 16515. Stations, 16515. platform number, 16515. train platform. Also you will know train route from Yesvantpur to Mangalore, train schedule from Yesvantpur to Mangalore, train time table from Yesvantpur to Mangalore.


Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express

Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express Train Number 16515. from Yesvantpur Junction to Mangalore Central is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 9 halts. 56 intermediate Stations between Yesvantpur Junction and Mangalore Central Covering a total distance of 396 km in 10h 25m time. The Departure time of Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express from Yesvantpur Junction is 07:30 and arrival time at Mangalore Central is 17:55. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Yesvantpur Junction station and Platform Number -- at Mangalore Central.

Schedule of Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express

From: YPR Yesvantpur Junction
To: MAQ Mangalore Central
Departs @ 07:30
Arrive @ 17:55
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Travel Time: 10h 25m
9 halts
Distance: 396 km
Avg Speed: 38 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1YPR Yesvantpur Junction 07:30--10.061919mSWRBengaluru 560022, Karnataka
2TK Tumakuru (Tumkur) 08:3308:35--2m164.162826mSWRTumkur, Karnataka
3TTR Tiptur 09:4409:45--1m1134.934859mSWRTiptur Karnataka, Karnataka
4ASK Arsikere Junction 10:3010:35--5m1160.443816mSWRArsikere Dist. Hassan, Karnataka
5HAS Hassan Junction 11:4011:42--2m1207.143951mSWRHassan, Karnataka
6SKLR Sakleshpur 12:4012:45--5m1249.123906mSWRSakleshpur, Karnataka
7SBHR Subrahmanya Road 15:1015:15--5m1304.463120mSWRNettana Railway Station, Karnataka
8KBPR Kabakaputtur 15:5515:57--2m1346.66796mSWRPuttur, Karnataka
9BNTL Bantawala 16:1916:20--1m1371.11724mSWRBantwal, Karnataka
10MAJN Mangaluru Junction (Mangalore) 17:2917:30--1m1390.11324mSRMangaluru 575007, Karnataka
11MAQ Mangalore Central 17:55--1395.6-16mSRMangaluru Dakshin Kannada 575001, Karnataka

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
16515SYesvantpur-Mangalore Express xMxWxFx
16517-SlipYesvantpur Kannur Link Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Yesvantpur Junction to Mangalore Central

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
16518-SlipKannur Yesvantpur Link Express SMTWTFS
16566Mangaluru Central - Yesvantpur Express xMxxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Yesvantpur to Mangalore

Yesvantpur-Manglore Central Express Train Number 16515. runs in Yesvantpur to Mangalore Route. Above is the complete details about 16515. Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.