Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger Train No 1GSEC

This article contains information about Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger train route, Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger train time table, Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger train schedule, Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger coach position, 1GSEC train route, 1GSEC train time table, 1GSEC train schedule, 1GSEC coach position, 1GSEC Stations, 1GSEC platform number, 1GSEC train platform. Also you will know train route from Balharshah to Gondia, train schedule from Balharshah to Gondia, train time table from Balharshah to Gondia.


Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger

Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger Train Number 1GSEC from Balharshah Junction to Gondia Junction is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 24 halts. 30 intermediate Stations between Balharshah Junction and Gondia Junction Covering a total distance of 250 km in 6h 30m time. The Departure time of Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger from Balharshah Junction is 15:00 and arrival time at Gondia Junction is 21:30. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Balharshah Junction station and Platform Number -- at Gondia Junction.

Schedule of Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger

From: BPQ Balharshah Junction
To: G Gondia Junction
Departs @ 15:00
Arrive @ 21:30
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Travel Time: 6h 30m
24 halts
Distance: 250 km
Avg Speed: 38 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BPQ Balharshah Junction 15:00--10.044185mCRBalharshah 442901, Maharashtra
2CAF Chanda Fort 15:1515:1712m111.167191mSECRDistrict Chandrapur, Maharashtra
3KEZ Kelzar 15:4215:43--1m139.046192mSECRChandrapur, Maharashtra
4MME Mul Marora 16:0016:01--1m152.163202mSECRRly Stn Road, Maharashtra
5ROL Rajoli 16:1716:18--1m169.062206mSECRRajoli, Maharashtra
6SYE Sindewahi 16:3116:32--1m182.347226mSECRBhendala, Maharashtra
7AWH Alewahi 16:4316:44--1m190.958239mSECRDist. Chandrapur, Maharashtra
8TUD Talodhi Road 16:5616:57--1m1102.538258mSECR441221, Maharashtra
9NAB Nagbhir Junction 17:2217:37--15m1118.277250mSECRNagbhir, Maharashtra
10KMMD Kirmiti Mendha 17:4317:4411m1125.966249mSECRDist. Chandrapur 441206, Maharashtra
11BMP Bramhapuri 17:5317:54--1m1135.943226mSECRDist. Chandrapur 441206, Maharashtra
12CCBG Chicholi Buzurg 18:0118:0211m1140.858222mSECRWadsa, Maharashtra
13WSA Wadsa 18:0818:09--1m1146.639230mSECRDistrict Chandrapur, Maharashtra
14ARNG Arunnagar 18:2418:2511m1156.343240mSECRWadsa, Maharashtra
15WDG Wadegaon 18:3418:35--1m1162.745252mSECR441701, Maharashtra
16AJU Arjuni 18:4518:46--1m1170.144244mSECRDist. Gondia 441701, Maharashtra
17BFF Barabhati 18:5518:5611m1176.747267mSECRDist. Gondia 441702, Maharashtra
18DEW Dewalgaon 19:0419:05--1m1183.052279mSECRWadsa Road, Maharashtra
19GMI Gond Umri 19:2019:2111m1196.146266mSECRDist. Gondia 441806, Maharashtra
20SNV Sondad 19:3019:31--1m1202.954269mSECRNational Highway 6 Sondad, Maharashtra
21KSIH Khodseoni 19:4119:4211m1212.048287mSECRDist. Gondia 441801, Maharashtra
22GNL Gonglee 19:5219:53--1m1219.956294mSECRGondia 441801, Maharashtra
23PQH Pindkepar Halt 20:0520:0611m1231.143342mSECRDist. Gondia, Maharashtra
24HDM Hirdamali 20:1220:13--1m1235.442334mSECRDist. Gondia 441801, Maharashtra
25GKT Gankhera Halt 20:2120:2211m1241.08320mSECRGondia District, Maharashtra
26G Gondia Junction 21:30--1250.0-319mSECRGondia 441601, Maharashtra

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Balharshah Junction to Gondia Junction

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Balharshah to Gondia

Ballarshah Nagbhir Gondia Passenger Train Number 1GSEC runs in Balharshah to Gondia Route. Above is the complete details about 1GSEC Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.