Howrah Haridwar Special Train No 2369A

This article contains information about Howrah Haridwar Special train route, Howrah Haridwar Special train time table, Howrah Haridwar Special train schedule, Howrah Haridwar Special coach position, 2369A train route, 2369A train time table, 2369A train schedule, 2369A coach position, 2369A Stations, 2369A platform number, 2369A train platform. Also you will know train route from Howrah to Haridwar, train schedule from Howrah to Haridwar, train time table from Howrah to Haridwar.


Howrah Haridwar Special

Howrah Haridwar Special Train Number 2369A from Howrah Junction to Haridwar is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 14 halts. 319 intermediate Stations between Howrah Junction and Haridwar Covering a total distance of 1538 km in 27h 55m time. The Departure time of Howrah Haridwar Special from Howrah Junction is 16:05 and arrival time at Haridwar is 20:00 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Howrah Junction station and Platform Number -- at Haridwar.

Schedule of Howrah Haridwar Special

From: HWH Howrah Junction
To: HW Haridwar
Departs @ 16:05
Arrive @ 20:00 +1 night
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Travel Time: 27h 55m
14 halts
Distance: 1538 km
Avg Speed: 55 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Howrah Haridwar Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1HWH Howrah Junction 16:05--10.07810mERHowrah 711101, West Bengal
2ASN Asansol Junction 18:4018:45--5m1200.540114mERDist - Bardhaman, West Bengal
3MDP Madhupur Junction 20:4820:52--4m1282.158254mER06432-224478, Jharkhand
4JSME Jasidih Junction 21:2221:24--2m1311.158270mERDeoghar-814142, Jharkhand
5JAJ Jhajha 22:1022:15--5m1355.589142mECRJhajha, Bihar
6KIUL Kiul Junction 22:5122:53--2m1408.76654mECRDist. Lakhisarai, Bihar
7MKA Mokama 23:2423:26--2m1442.95448mECRPatna, Bihar
8PNBE Patna Junction 01:0501:15--10m2532.07057mECRPatna 800001, Bihar
9BXR Buxar 02:5602:58--2m2649.64467mECRBuxar, Bihar
10MGS Mughal Sarai Junction 05:0505:25--20m2743.53184mECRDistt: Chandauli Pin 232101, Uttar Pradesh
11BSB Varanasi Junction 06:0006:20--20m2761.67582mNRVaranasi 221002, Uttar Pradesh
12SLN Sultanpur Junction 08:1508:17--2m2905.04098mNRSultanpur., Uttar Pradesh
13LKO Lucknow Charbagh NR 11:4512:00--15m21044.466124mNRLucknow 226004, Uttar Pradesh
14BE Bareilly Junction 15:3515:40--5m21279.768174mNRUttar Pradesh 243003, Uttar Pradesh
15MB Moradabad Junction 17:0017:10--10m21370.159197mNRMoradabad, Uttar Pradesh
16HW Haridwar 20:00--21537.5-294mNRHaridwar, Uttarakhand

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Howrah Haridwar Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13009Doon Express SMTWTFS
12327Upasana Express xxTxxFx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Howrah Junction to Haridwar

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13010Doon Express SMTWTFS
12328Upasana Express xxxWxxS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Howrah to Haridwar

Howrah Haridwar Special Train Number 2369A runs in Howrah to Haridwar Route. Above is the complete details about 2369A Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.