Bellary Guntakal Passenger Train No 290SW

This article contains information about Bellary Guntakal Passenger train route, Bellary Guntakal Passenger train time table, Bellary Guntakal Passenger train schedule, Bellary Guntakal Passenger coach position, 290SW train route, 290SW train time table, 290SW train schedule, 290SW coach position, 290SW Stations, 290SW platform number, 290SW train platform. Also you will know train route from Ballari to Guntakal, train schedule from Ballari to Guntakal, train time table from Ballari to Guntakal.


Bellary Guntakal Passenger

Bellary Guntakal Passenger Train Number 290SW from Ballari Junction (Bellary) to Guntakal Junction is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 6 halts. 9 intermediate Stations between Ballari Junction (Bellary) and Guntakal Junction Covering a total distance of 50 km in 1h 30m time. The Departure time of Bellary Guntakal Passenger from Ballari Junction (Bellary) is 11:30 and arrival time at Guntakal Junction is 13:00. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Ballari Junction (Bellary) station and Platform Number -- at Guntakal Junction.

Schedule of Bellary Guntakal Passenger

From: BAY Ballari Junction (Bellary)
To: GTL Guntakal Junction
Departs @ 11:30
Arrive @ 13:00
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Travel Time: 1h 30m
6 halts
Distance: 50 km
Avg Speed: 33 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Bellary Guntakal Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BAY Ballari Junction (Bellary) 11:30--10.044458mSWRKarnataka, Karnataka
2HDD Haddinagundu 11:3911:40--1m16.652433mSCRNational Highway 63, Karnataka
3HGI Hagari 11:4911:50--1m114.341414mSCRNational Highway 63, Karnataka
4VP Virapur 12:0212:0311m122.637439mSCRBellary Dist., Karnataka
5TKBN Tsakibanda 12:1112:1211m127.627431mSCRRayalaseema Region, Andhra Pradesh
6BNL Bevinahalu 12:2012:21--1m131.232430mSCRRayalaseema Region, Andhra Pradesh
7BLL Bantanahal 12:3412:35--1m138.129445mSCRRayalaseema Region, Andhra Pradesh
8GTL Guntakal Junction 13:00--150.0-454mSCRGuntakal., Andhra Pradesh

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Bellary Guntakal Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
17226Amaravati Express SMTWTFS
16531Ajmer - KSR Bengaluru Garib Nawaz Express xMxxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Ballari Junction (Bellary) to Guntakal Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
17225Amaravati Express SMTWTFS
16532KSR Bengaluru - Ajmer Garib Nawaz Express xxxxxFx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Ballari to Guntakal

Bellary Guntakal Passenger Train Number 290SW runs in Ballari to Guntakal Route. Above is the complete details about 290SW Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.