Kota Bhind Passenger Train No 297WC

This article contains information about Kota Bhind Passenger train route, Kota Bhind Passenger train time table, Kota Bhind Passenger train schedule, Kota Bhind Passenger coach position, 297WC train route, 297WC train time table, 297WC train schedule, 297WC coach position, 297WC Stations, 297WC platform number, 297WC train platform. Also you will know train route from Kota to Bhind, train schedule from Kota to Bhind, train time table from Kota to Bhind.


Kota Bhind Passenger

Kota Bhind Passenger Train Number 297WC from Kota Junction to Bhind is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 27 halts. 127 intermediate Stations between Kota Junction and Bhind Covering a total distance of 1104 km in 39h 45m time. The Departure time of Kota Bhind Passenger from Kota Junction is 22:10 and arrival time at Bhind is 13:55 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Kota Junction station and Platform Number -- at Bhind.

Schedule of Kota Bhind Passenger

From: KOTA Kota Junction
To: BIX Bhind
Departs @ 22:10
Arrive @ 13:55 +1 night
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Travel Time: 39h 45m
27 halts
Distance: 1104 km
Avg Speed: 28 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Kota Bhind Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1KOTA Kota Junction 22:10--10.065256mWCR324001, Rajasthan
2DXD Digod 22:2522:2611m116.261256mWCRKota, Rajasthan
3BON Bhonra 22:3922:40--1m129.565249mWCRKota, Rajasthan
4ATH Antah 22:5422:55--1m144.749249mWCRAntah, Rajasthan
5BJK Bijora 23:0623:07--1m153.827261mWCRIndia, Rajasthan
6BAZ Baran 23:3523:40--5m166.258263mWCRBaran, Rajasthan
7CJW Chajawa 23:5323:5411m178.756274mWCRBaren, Rajasthan
8ATRU Atru 00:1200:1311m295.516288mWCRAtru, Rajasthan
9SYL Salpura 01:0701:0811m2109.512312mWCRKawari, Rajasthan
10CAG Chhabra Gugor 02:2302:24--1m2125.116345mWCRAcholi, Rajasthan
11BLO Bhulon 03:0703:08--1m2136.448367mWCRIndia, Rajasthan
12DHR Dharnaoda 03:2703:2811m2151.718392mWCRPIN - 473001, Rajasthan
13RTA Ruthiyai Junction 04:1004:15--5m2164.286415mWCR473110, Madhya Pradesh
14MUGA Mahugara 04:2404:25--1m2177.113500mWCRRuthiyai, Madhya Pradesh
15GUNA Guna Junction 05:0005:20--20m2184.661477mWCR473001, Madhya Pradesh
16 05:5305:54--1m2218.0470m???
17SVPI Shivpuri 07:2307:25--2m2287.0-478mWCRShivpuri, Madhya Pradesh
18IDG Indargarh Sumerganj Mandi 08:2708:28--1m2643.4149247mWCRIndargarh, Rajasthan
19GWL Gwalior Junction 11:0011:10--10m21021.728213mNCRGwalior, Madhya Pradesh
20BLNR Birlanagar Junction 11:1611:17--1m21024.534205mNCRJN Point Etawah/Gwalior/Agra, Madhya Pradesh
21BBY Bhadroli 11:3111:3211m21032.440191mNCRGwalior, Madhya Pradesh
22SAC Sanichara 11:4311:4411m21039.828191mNCRVillage- Aiti distt. Morena, Madhya Pradesh
23RAKL Rethorakalan 11:5211:5311m21043.532174mNCRStation road Rethorakalan Distt. Morena, Madhya Pradesh
24MLAR Malanpur 12:0012:01--1m21047.235167mNCRNational Highway 3, Madhya Pradesh
25NNE Nonera 12:1112:1211m21053.11162mNCRDistrict: Bhind, Madhya Pradesh
26GOA Gohad Road 23:4023:50110m21064.31160mNCRStation road Gohad distt. Bhind, Madhya Pradesh
27SCN Sondha Road 12:4812:4911m21072.633159mNCRNational Highway 92, Madhya Pradesh
28AXK Asokhar 13:1313:1411m21085.926159mNCRDistrict: Bhind, Madhya Pradesh
29BIX Bhind 13:55--21103.7-151mNCRBhind, Madhya Pradesh

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Kota Bhind Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
59821Kota - Bhind Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 1

Return Train from Kota Junction to Bhind

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
59822Bhind - Kota Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 1

Train From Kota to Bhind

Kota Bhind Passenger Train Number 297WC runs in Kota to Bhind Route. Above is the complete details about 297WC Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.