Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local Train No 30552

This article contains information about Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local train route, Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local train time table, Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local train schedule, Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local coach position, 30552 train route, 30552 train time table, 30552 train schedule, 30552 coach position, 30552 Stations, 30552 platform number, 30552 train platform. Also you will know train route from Majerhat to Ghutiari, train schedule from Majerhat to Ghutiari, train time table from Majerhat to Ghutiari.


Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local

Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local Train Number 30552 from Majerhat to Ghutiari Sharif is a EMU - Kolkata train belonging to Indian Railways in ER/Eastern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 16 halts. 17 intermediate Stations between Majerhat and Ghutiari Sharif Covering a total distance of 32 km in 1h 36m time. The Departure time of Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local from Majerhat is 19:08 and arrival time at Ghutiari Sharif is 20:44 . It usually comes on Platform Number 5 at Majerhat station and Platform Number 1 at Ghutiari Sharif.

Schedule of Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local

From: MJT Majerhat
To: GOF Ghutiari Sharif
Departs @ 19:08
Arrive @ 20:44
Platform 5
Platform 1
Type: EMU - Kolkata
Travel Time: 1h 36m
16 halts
Distance: 32 km
Avg Speed: 20 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1MJT Majerhat 19:08510.0989mERWest Bengal 700053, West Bengal
2NACC New Alipur 19:0919:1021m11.6358mERKolkata - 700053, West Bengal
3TLG Tollygunge 19:1219:1311m12.82712mERKolkata - 700033, West Bengal
4LKF Lake Gardens 19:1519:1611m13.7178mERKolkata - 700033, West Bengal
5BLN Ballygunge Junction 19:2519:57332m16.3679mERKolkata - 700019, West Bengal
6DHK Dhakuria 19:5819:5921m17.4248mERKolkata - 700031, West Bengal
7JDP Jadabpur 20:0320:0421m19.01158mERKolkata - 700032, West Bengal
8BGJT Bagha Jatin 20:0520:0621m110.9476mERKolkata - 700086, West Bengal
9NGRI New Garia 20:0820:09--1m112.5575mERKolkata- 700094, West Bengal
10GIA Garia 20:1020:1121m113.51198mERKolkata 700152, West Bengal
11NRPR Narendrapur Halt 20:1220:1321m115.4354mERKolkata: 700103, West Bengal
12SPR Sonarpur Junction 20:1620:1741m117.2376mERDist - 24 pgs (S) - 700150, West Bengal
13BDYP Bidyadharpur 20:2220:23--1m120.3804mERBidyadharpur, West Bengal
14KLKR Kalikapur 20:2520:26--1m123.0456mERKalikapur Staion Rd, West Bengal
15CHT Champahati 20:2920:30--1m125.2887mERBaruipur-Champahati Rd, West Bengal
16PLF Piali 20:3220:33--1m128.21234mERChampahati To Peyali Rd, West Bengal
17GQD Gourdaha Halt 20:3420:35--1m130.2154mERGourdaha, West Bengal
18GOF Ghutiari Sharif 20:441132.4-8mERGhutiari Shariff, West Bengal

Coach Postion (Rake)


Alternet Trains of Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
No Data
Total Alternet Trains: 0

Return Train from Majerhat to Ghutiari Sharif

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
No Data
Total Alternet Trains: 0

Train From Majerhat to Ghutiari

Majerhat-Ghutiari Sharif Local Train Number 30552 runs in Majerhat to Ghutiari Route. Above is the complete details about 30552 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.