Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express Train No 3349

This article contains information about Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express train route, Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express train time table, Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express train schedule, Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express coach position, 3349 train route, 3349 train time table, 3349 train schedule, 3349 coach position, 3349 Stations, 3349 platform number, 3349 train platform. Also you will know train route from Dhanbad to Ahmedabad, train schedule from Dhanbad to Ahmedabad, train time table from Dhanbad to Ahmedabad.


Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express

Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express Train Number 3349 from Dhanbad Junction to Ahmedabad Junction is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 13 halts. 305 intermediate Stations between Dhanbad Junction and Ahmedabad Junction Covering a total distance of 1966 km in 36h 25m time. The Departure time of Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express from Dhanbad Junction is 18:35 and arrival time at Ahmedabad Junction is 07:00 +2 nights. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Dhanbad Junction station and Platform Number -- at Ahmedabad Junction.

Schedule of Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express

From: DHN Dhanbad Junction
To: ADI Ahmedabad Junction
Departs @ 18:35
Arrive @ 07:00 +2 nights
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Travel Time: 36h 25m
13 halts
Distance: 1966 km
Avg Speed: 54 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1DHN Dhanbad Junction 18:35--10.087236mECRRailway inquiry - 0326-2319801, Jharkhand
2PNME Parasnath 19:0819:09--1m147.791281mECRGiridih 06532-233419, Jharkhand
3KQR Koderma Junction 19:5920:00--1m1123.251399mECR06534-222410 Koderma, Jharkhand
4GAYA Gaya Junction 21:2921:32--3m1199.465115mECR0631-2220283, Bihar
5DOS Dehri On Sone 22:5122:53--2m1284.537113mECRRohtas(06184-253154), Bihar
6MGS Mughal Sarai Junction 02:0502:25--20m2404.45984mECRDistt: Chandauli Pin 232101, Uttar Pradesh
7ALD Allahabad Junction 05:0005:10--10m2557.169100mNCRAllahabad 211003, Uttar Pradesh
8CNB Kanpur Central 08:0008:10--10m2751.469129mNCRKANPUR-208 001, Uttar Pradesh
9TDL Tundla Junction 11:3011:35--5m2982.625166mNCRDistt.Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh
10AF Agra Fort 12:3012:35--5m21005.560169mNCRAgra, Uttar Pradesh
11SWM Sawai Madhopur Junction 16:2216:24--2m21231.075265mWCRSawai Madhopur, Rajasthan
12KOTA Kota Junction 17:5018:00--10m21338.958256mWCR324001, Rajasthan
13RTM Ratlam Junction 22:3522:45--10m21605.747495mWR457001, Madhya Pradesh
14BRC Vadodara Junction 04:2004:50630m31866.24637mWRVadodara 390005, Gujarat
15ADI Ahmedabad Junction 07:00--31966.0-51mWRAhmedabad, Gujarat

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12942Parasnath SF Express xxxxTxx
9149Parasnath Express xxxxTxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Dhanbad Junction to Ahmedabad Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12941Parasnath SF Express xxTxxxx
12937Garbha Express xxxxxxS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Dhanbad to Ahmedabad

Dhanbad Ahmedabad Express Train Number 3349 runs in Dhanbad to Ahmedabad Route. Above is the complete details about 3349 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.