Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local Train No 34052

This article contains information about Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local train route, Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local train time table, Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local train schedule, Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local coach position, 34052 train route, 34052 train time table, 34052 train schedule, 34052 coach position, 34052 Stations, 34052 platform number, 34052 train platform. Also you will know train route from Naihati to Budge, train schedule from Naihati to Budge, train time table from Naihati to Budge.


Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local

Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local Train Number 34052 from Naihati Junction to Budge Budge is a EMU - Kolkata train belonging to Indian Railways in ER/Eastern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 24 halts. 28 intermediate Stations between Naihati Junction and Budge Budge Covering a total distance of 63 km in 2h 0m time. The Departure time of Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local from Naihati Junction is 05:55 and arrival time at Budge Budge is 07:55 . It usually comes on Platform Number 1 at Naihati Junction station and Platform Number 1 at Budge Budge.

Schedule of Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local

From: NH Naihati Junction
To: BGB Budge Budge
Departs @ 05:55
Arrive @ 07:55
Platform 1
Platform 1
Type: EMU - Kolkata
Travel Time: 2h 0m
24 halts
Distance: 63 km
Avg Speed: 32 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1NH Naihati Junction 05:55110.05716mERdist - North 24 paraganas - 743165 Ph: 033-25812128, West Bengal
2KNR Kankinara 05:5805:5931m12.95514mERPh- 033-25812957, West Bengal
3JGDL Jagadal 06:0106:0241m14.78814mERState Highway 1 Dist: North 24 Pgs. Ph: 033-27075709, West Bengal
4SNR Shyamnagar 06:0406:05--1m17.76515mERDist - North 24 paraganas Ph:033-25863183, West Bengal
5IP Ichhapur 06:0806:09--1m110.95812mERIchapur Ph:033-25618304/25938304, West Bengal
6PTF Palta 06:1106:12--1m112.92512mERBarrackpore State Highway 1 PH:033-25929312, West Bengal
7BP Barrackpore 06:1806:1941m115.46312mERDist - 24 paraganas (N), West Bengal
8TGH Titagarh 06:2106:22--1m117.55610mERDist - 24 paraganas ( north ), West Bengal
9KDH Khardaha 06:2406:25--1m119.35910mERDist - 24 paraganas ( north ) Ph: 033-25231023, West Bengal
10SEP Sodpur 06:2806:29--1m122.3557mERDist - 24 paraganas ( north ) Ph: 033-25531037, West Bengal
11AGP Agarpara 06:3106:32--1m124.1739mERDist - 24 paraganas ( north ) Ph:033-25639609, West Bengal
12BLH Belgharia 06:3406:35--1m126.62710mERDist - 24 paraganas ( north ) Ph:033-25645989, West Bengal
13DDJ Dum Dum Junction 06:4506:4641m131.16310mERKolkata - 700030, West Bengal
14BNXR Bidhan Nagar Road 06:4906:5041m134.2268mERKolkata Ph:033-23557119, West Bengal
15SGBA Sir Gurudas Banerjee Halt 06:5506:5621m136.4286mERKolkata, West Bengal
16PQS Park Circus 07:0507:06Chord21m140.6236mERKolkata- 700017, West Bengal
17BLN Ballygunge Junction 07:1207:1321m143.0319mERKolkata - 700019, West Bengal
18LKF Lake Gardens 07:1807:1921m145.5278mERKolkata - 700033, West Bengal
19TLG Tollygunge 07:2107:2211m146.43512mERKolkata - 700033, West Bengal
20NACC New Alipur 07:2407:2511m147.6338mERKolkata - 700053, West Bengal
21MJT Majerhat 07:2807:2921m149.2659mERWest Bengal 700053, West Bengal
22BRJ Brace Bridge 07:3107:32--1m151.4627mERKolkata - 700088, West Bengal
23SSP Santoshpur 07:3507:3611m154.5538mERDist - south 24 paraganas - 700142, West Bengal
24AKRA Akra 07:3907:4021m157.2537mERDist - South 24 Paraganas, West Bengal
25NAI Nangi 07:4307:44--1m159.8195mERDist - south 24 paraganas - 700140, West Bengal
26BGB Budge Budge 07:551163.3-4mERKolkata, West Bengal

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
34054Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local SMTWTFS
34056Kalyani Simanta-Budge Budge Local SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Naihati Junction to Budge Budge

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
31053Budge Budge-Naihati Jn Local SMTWTFS
31055Budge Budge-Naihati Jn Local SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Naihati to Budge

Naihati Jn-Budge Budge Local Train Number 34052 runs in Naihati to Budge Route. Above is the complete details about 34052 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.