Howrah-Midnapore Local Train No 38811

This article contains information about Howrah-Midnapore Local train route, Howrah-Midnapore Local train time table, Howrah-Midnapore Local train schedule, Howrah-Midnapore Local coach position, 38811 train route, 38811 train time table, 38811 train schedule, 38811 coach position, 38811 Stations, 38811 platform number, 38811 train platform. Also you will know train route from Howrah to Midnapore, train schedule from Howrah to Midnapore, train time table from Howrah to Midnapore.


Howrah-Midnapore Local

Howrah-Midnapore Local Train Number 38811 from Howrah Junction to Midnapore is a EMU - Kolkata train belonging to Indian Railways in SER/South Eastern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 33 halts. 39 intermediate Stations between Howrah Junction and Midnapore Covering a total distance of 128 km in 3h 5m time. The Departure time of Howrah-Midnapore Local from Howrah Junction is 08:50 and arrival time at Midnapore is 11:55 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Howrah Junction station and Platform Number -- at Midnapore.

Schedule of Howrah-Midnapore Local

From: HWH Howrah Junction
To: MDN Midnapore
Departs @ 08:50
Arrive @ 11:55
Platform --
Platform --
Type: EMU - Kolkata
Zone:SER/South Eastern
Travel Time: 3h 5m
33 halts
Distance: 128 km
Avg Speed: 42 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Howrah-Midnapore Local

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1HWH Howrah Junction 08:50--10.01810mERHowrah 711101, West Bengal
2TPKR Tikiapara 08:5909:00--1m12.7509mSERHowrah, West Bengal
3DSNR Dashnagar 09:0209:03--1m14.4467mSERHowrah, West Bengal
4RMJ Ramrajatala 09:0509:0631m15.9297mSERHowrah, West Bengal
5SRC Santragachi Junction 09:0909:1031m17.4486mSERDist: Howrah - 711104, West Bengal
6ADL Andul 09:1609:17--1m112.2548mSERPin 711302, West Bengal
7SEL Sankrail 09:2109:22--1m115.8677mSERSankrail, West Bengal
8NALR Nalpur 09:2609:27--1m120.3567mSERDist - Howrah, West Bengal
9BVA Bauria 09:3109:32--1m124.0947mSERDist - Howrah 711305, West Bengal
10CGA Chengel 09:3409:35--1m127.1528mSERDist - Howrah 711308, West Bengal
11FLR Phuleswar 09:3809:39--1m129.7507mSERDist - Howrah, West Bengal
12ULB Uluberia 09:4209:4321m132.2809mSERDist - Howrah 711315, West Bengal
13BSBP Bir Shibpur 09:4609:47--1m136.2697mSERDist: Howrah, West Bengal
14KGY Kulgachia 09:5009:51--1m139.7667mSERHowrah, West Bengal
15BZN Bagnan 09:5609:57--1m145.1808mSERDist - Howrah, West Bengal
16GGTA Ghoraghata 09:5910:00--1m147.8618mSERDist - Howrah, West Bengal
17DTE Deulti 10:0310:04--1m150.86310mSERDist - Howrah 711303, West Bengal
18KIG Kolaghat 10:0810:09--1m155.15010mSEREast Medinipore, West Bengal
19MCA Mecheda 10:1310:14--1m158.4849mSERDist - Purba Medinipur, West Bengal
20NDGJ Nandaigajan P.H. 10:1610:17--1m161.2476mSERNH41, West Bengal
21BOP Bhogpur 10:2010:21--1m163.5748mSERDist - Purba Medinipur, West Bengal
22NPMR Narayan Pakuria Murail 10:2410:25--1m167.2514mSERPanskura - 721171, West Bengal
23PKU Panskura Junction 10:2910:30--1m170.7777mSERPanskura, West Bengal
24KHAI Khirai 10:3410:35--1m175.86611mSERPaschim Medinipur, West Bengal
25HAUR Haur 10:3910:40--1m180.26613mSERDist - Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal
26RDU Radhamohanpur 10:4410:45--1m184.66315mSERDist - Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal
27DUAN Duan 10:4810:49--1m187.86217mSERDist - Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal
28BCK Balichak 10:5210:53--1m190.98120mSERDist - Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal
29SMCK Shyam Chak 10:5710:58--1m196.38925mSERDist: West Medinipur, West Bengal
30MPD Madpur 11:0211:03--1m1102.27028mSERKharagpur, West Bengal
31JPR Jakpur 11:0811:09--1m1108.02628mSERDist - Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal
32KGP Kharagpur Junction 11:2511:28--3m1115.12342mSERDist: West Medinipur, West Bengal
33GMDN Girimaidan 11:3411:35--1m1117.33946mSERKharagpur, West Bengal
34GKL Gokulpur 11:4111:42--1m1121.33137mSERPin 721301, West Bengal
35MDN Midnapore 11:55--1128.0-52mSERMedinipur, West Bengal

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Howrah-Midnapore Local

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12827Howrah - Purulia SF Express SMTWTFS
12152Samarasta SF Express xxxxxFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Howrah Junction to Midnapore

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12828Purulia - Howrah SF Express SMTWTFS
12884Rupashi Bangla Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Howrah to Midnapore

Howrah-Midnapore Local Train Number 38811 runs in Howrah to Midnapore Route. Above is the complete details about 38811 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.