Kota Indore Intercity Express Train No 39801

This article contains information about Kota Indore Intercity Express train route, Kota Indore Intercity Express train time table, Kota Indore Intercity Express train schedule, Kota Indore Intercity Express coach position, 39801 train route, 39801 train time table, 39801 train schedule, 39801 coach position, 39801 Stations, 39801 platform number, 39801 train platform. Also you will know train route from Kota to Indore, train schedule from Kota to Indore, train time table from Kota to Indore.


Kota Indore Intercity Express

Kota Indore Intercity Express Train Number 39801 from Kota Junction to Indore Junction BG is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in WCR/West Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 12 halts. 49 intermediate Stations between Kota Junction and Indore Junction BG Covering a total distance of 433 km in 7h 50m time. The Departure time of Kota Indore Intercity Express from Kota Junction is 06:30 and arrival time at Indore Junction BG is 14:20. It usually comes on Platform Number 3 at Kota Junction station and Platform Number -- at Indore Junction BG.

Schedule of Kota Indore Intercity Express

From: KOTA Kota Junction
To: INDB Indore Junction BG
Departs @ 06:30
Arrive @ 14:20
Platform 3
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Zone:WCR/West Central
Travel Time: 7h 50m
12 halts
Distance: 433 km
Avg Speed: 55 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Kota Indore Intercity Express

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1KOTA Kota Junction 06:30310.089256mWCR324001, Rajasthan
2ATH Antah 07:0007:02--2m144.772249mWCRAntah, Rajasthan
3BAZ Baran 07:2007:22--2m166.288263mWCRBaran, Rajasthan
4CAG Chhabra Gugor 08:0208:04--2m1125.136345mWCRAcholi, Rajasthan
5RTA Ruthiyai Junction 09:1009:20--10m1164.252415mWCR473110, Madhya Pradesh
6KHRJ Kumbhraj 09:4809:5012m1188.468402mWCR473222, Madhya Pradesh
7CBK Chachaura Binaganj 10:1010:1212m1210.965435mWCRGuna, Madhya Pradesh
8BRRG Biyavra Rajgarh 10:4010:42--2m1241.353422mWCRBiaora, Madhya Pradesh
9PFR Pachor Road 11:1511:17--2m1270.6101426mWCRPachore, Madhya Pradesh
10SFW Sarangpur 11:3611:38--2m1302.641428mWCRSarangpur, Madhya Pradesh
11SFY Shajapur 12:1812:20--2m1329.960453mWCRShajapur, Madhya Pradesh
12MKC Maksi Junction 12:4812:50--2m1357.862513mWRMaksi, Madhya Pradesh
13DWX Dewas Junction 13:2513:27--2m1394.044540mWRDewas, Madhya Pradesh
14INDB Indore Junction BG 14:20--1432.7-553mWRIndore 452001, Madhya Pradesh

Coach Postion (Rake)


Alternet Trains of Kota Indore Intercity Express

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Kota Junction to Indore Junction BG

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Kota to Indore

Kota Indore Intercity Express Train Number 39801 runs in Kota to Indore Route. Above is the complete details about 39801 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.