New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger Train No 51151

This article contains information about New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger train route, New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger train time table, New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger train schedule, New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger coach position, 51151 train route, 51151 train time table, 51151 train schedule, 51151 coach position, 51151 Stations, 51151 platform number, 51151 train platform. Also you will know train route from New to Narkher, train schedule from New to Narkher, train time table from New to Narkher.


New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger

New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger Train Number 51151 from New Amravati to Narkher Junction is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in CR/Central Zone. It has started services from Mon Jan 06, 2014. It has 9 halts. 13 intermediate Stations between New Amravati and Narkher Junction Covering a total distance of 132 km in 3h 20m time. The Departure time of New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger from New Amravati is 05:25 and arrival time at Narkher Junction is 08:45 . It usually comes on Platform Number 1 at New Amravati station and Platform Number 3 at Narkher Junction.

Schedule of New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger

From: NAVI New Amravati
To: NRKR Narkher Junction
Departs @ 05:25
Arrive @ 08:45
Platform 1
Platform 3
Type: Passenger
Travel Time: 3h 20m
9 halts
Distance: 132 km
Avg Speed: 40 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1NAVI New Amravati 05:25110.072334mCR444602, Maharashtra
2WLGN Walgaon 05:3605:3711m113.327321mCRWalgaon, Maharashtra
3CNDB Chandur Bazar 06:2906:3011m136.767367mCRChandur Bazar, Maharashtra
4ASTG Astegaon 06:5006:5212m159.176376mCRDist. Amaravati, Maharashtra
5MRSH Morshi 06:5807:0012m166.756353mCRMorshi, Maharashtra
6PAAL Pala 07:0707:0912m173.264355mCRUnnamed Road, Maharashtra
7BNOD Benoda 07:2707:2912m192.360409mCRDist. Amaravati, Maharashtra
8WOC Warud Orange City 07:3907:4112m1102.479391mCRState Highway 244, Maharashtra
9PUSA Pusla 07:4807:5012m1111.671411mCRMajor State Highway 10, Maharashtra
10MWAD Mowad 08:0008:0313m1123.413405mCRMowad, Maharashtra
11NRKR Narkher Junction 08:4531132.2-411mCRDistrict Nagpur, Maharashtra

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from New Amravati to Narkher Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
19713Jaipur - Secunderabad Express xxxxxxS
19301Indore - Yesvantpur Weekly Express Sxxxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From New to Narkher

New Amravati-Narkhed Passenger Train Number 51151 runs in New to Narkher Route. Above is the complete details about 51151 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.