Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger Train No 52045

This article contains information about Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger train route, Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger train time table, Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger train schedule, Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger coach position, 52045 train route, 52045 train time table, 52045 train schedule, 52045 coach position, 52045 Stations, 52045 platform number, 52045 train platform. Also you will know train route from Moti to Dabhoi, train schedule from Moti to Dabhoi, train time table from Moti to Dabhoi.


Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger

Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger Train Number 52045 from Moti Koral to Dabhoi Junction is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in WR/Western Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 12 halts. 13 intermediate Stations between Moti Koral and Dabhoi Junction Covering a total distance of 60 km in 5h 15m time. The Departure time of Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger from Moti Koral is 13:20 and arrival time at Dabhoi Junction is 18:35. It usually comes on Platform Number 1 at Moti Koral station and Platform Number -- at Dabhoi Junction.

Schedule of Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger

From: MKRL Moti Koral
To: DB Dabhoi Junction
Departs @ 13:20
Arrive @ 18:35
Platform 1
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Travel Time: 5h 15m
12 halts
Distance: 60 km
Avg Speed: 11 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1MKRL Moti Koral 13:20110.01822mWRManinageshwar Rd, Gujarat
2NRUR Nareshwar Road 13:3413:3511m14.22132mWRNareshwar Rd, Gujarat
3SNAD Saniyad 13:5113:5211m19.72031mWRPalej, Gujarat
4BCHR Bachar 14:0514:0611m113.91230mWRPalej, Gujarat
5CRND Choranda Junction 14:3014:50120m118.62634mWRChoranda, Gujarat
6BRTL Bharthali 14:5915:0011m122.51528mWRNational Highway 8, Gujarat
7MYGL Miyagam Karjan Junction NG 15:2017:10--110m127.53230mWRKarjan, Gujarat
8KNDR Kandari 17:1817:1911m131.72328mWRGujarat, Gujarat
9GNPT Ganpatpura 17:2817:2911m135.22831mWRGujarat, Gujarat
10KV Kayavarohan 17:4217:4311m141.32634mWRKayavarohan, Gujarat
11PRKA Parikha 17:5417:5511m146.01933mWRGujarat, Gujarat
12BRPM Baripur Mandala 18:0318:0411m148.62836mWRMandala, Gujarat
13NADA Nada 18:1718:1811m154.81839mWRMota Habipura Nada Rd, Gujarat
14DB Dabhoi Junction 18:35--159.8-46mWRDabhoi, Gujarat

Coach Postion (Rake)


Alternet Trains of Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
No Data
Total Alternet Trains: 0

Return Train from Moti Koral to Dabhoi Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
52046Dabhoi-Motikoral NG Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 1

Train From Moti to Dabhoi

Motikoral-Dabhoi Passenger Train Number 52045 runs in Moti to Dabhoi Route. Above is the complete details about 52045 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.