Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger Train No 52941

This article contains information about Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger train route, Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger train time table, Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger train schedule, Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger coach position, 52941 train route, 52941 train time table, 52941 train schedule, 52941 coach position, 52941 Stations, 52941 platform number, 52941 train platform. Also you will know train route from Gandhigram to Botad, train schedule from Gandhigram to Botad, train time table from Gandhigram to Botad.


Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger

Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger Train Number 52941 from Gandhigram to Botad MG is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in WR/Western Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 18 halts. 19 intermediate Stations between Gandhigram and Botad MG Covering a total distance of 155 km in 4h 25m time. The Departure time of Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger from Gandhigram is 08:45 and arrival time at Botad MG is 13:10 . It usually comes on Platform Number 1 at Gandhigram station and Platform Number -- at Botad MG.

Schedule of Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger

From: GG Gandhigram
To: BTDF Botad MG
Departs @ 08:45
Arrive @ 13:10
Platform 1
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Travel Time: 4h 25m
18 halts
Distance: 155 km
Avg Speed: 35 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1GG Gandhigram 08:45110.04553mWRAhmedabad, Gujarat
2VTP Vastrapur 08:5308:5411m16.04049mWRAhmedabad, Gujarat
3SEJ Sarkhej 09:0009:01--1m110.04343mWRAhmedabad, Gujarat
4MORA Moraiya 09:1309:14--1m118.53535mWRNational Highway 8A, Gujarat
5VLA Bavla 09:3809:39--1m132.43128mWRBavla, Gujarat
6DOK Dholka 10:0510:0712m145.94523mWRBagodara Dholka, Gujarat
7GS Godhaneshwar 10:1910:20--1m154.84817mWRBagodara Dholka Link Rd, Gujarat
8KTGD Koth Gangad 10:3110:32--1m163.74017mWRKoth, Gujarat
9AEJ Arnej 10:4210:43--1m170.34115mWRArnej, Gujarat
10LHBK Lothal Bhurkhi 10:5110:52--1m175.84712mWRState Highway 1, Gujarat
11LO Loliya 11:0211:03--1m183.73310mWRState Highway 1, Gujarat
12HLB Hadala Bhal 11:1111:12--1m188.1519mWRLimbadi to Hadala Rd, Gujarat
13DIBL Dholi Bhal 11:2211:23--1m196.54011mWRRayaka, Gujarat
14RY Rayaka 11:3211:33--1m1102.63517mWRSH 1 Dhandhuka to Fadara Rd, Gujarat
15DCK Dhandhuka 11:4311:44--1m1108.34723mWRDhandhuka, Gujarat
16TID Tagdi 11:5711:58--1m1118.64121mWRTagadi, Gujarat
17BNH Bhimnath 12:0812:09--1m1125.42222mWRBhimnath, Gujarat
18JIL Jalila Road 12:2912:30--1m1132.73342mWRBotad, Gujarat
19SAPR Sarangpur Road 12:4012:41--1m1138.23558mWRState Highway 38, Gujarat
20BTDF Botad MG 13:10--1155.1-96mWRBotad, Gujarat

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
52935Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger SMTWTFS
52943Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Gandhigram to Botad MG

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
52944Botad Gandhigram MG Passenger SMTWTFS
52934Botad Gandhigram MG Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Gandhigram to Botad

Gandhigram Botad MG Passenger Train Number 52941 runs in Gandhigram to Botad Route. Above is the complete details about 52941 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.