Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger Train No 53611

This article contains information about Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger train route, Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger train time table, Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger train schedule, Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger coach position, 53611 train route, 53611 train time table, 53611 train schedule, 53611 coach position, 53611 Stations, 53611 platform number, 53611 train platform. Also you will know train route from Barwadih to Dehri, train schedule from Barwadih to Dehri, train time table from Barwadih to Dehri.


Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger

Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger Train Number 53611 from Barwadih Junction to Dehri On Sone is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in ECR/East Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 22 halts. 26 intermediate Stations between Barwadih Junction and Dehri On Sone Covering a total distance of 165 km in 4h 35m time. The Departure time of Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger from Barwadih Junction is 05:30 and arrival time at Dehri On Sone is 10:05 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Barwadih Junction station and Platform Number -- at Dehri On Sone.

Schedule of Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger

From: BRWD Barwadih Junction
To: DOS Dehri On Sone
Departs @ 05:30
Arrive @ 10:05
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Zone:ECR/East Central
Travel Time: 4h 35m
22 halts
Distance: 165 km
Avg Speed: 36 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BRWD Barwadih Junction 05:30--10.054296mECR822111, Jharkhand
2MAZ Mangra 05:3805:39--1m17.351258mECRMangra, Jharkhand
3KCKI Kechki 05:4505:46--1m112.458250mECRKechki, Jharkhand
4CNF Chianki 05:5405:55--1m120.142237mECRNational Highway 75, Jharkhand
5DTO DaltonGanj 06:0506:1015m127.138234mECR230812, Jharkhand
6KFT Kajri 06:2006:21--1m133.568216mECRBairia, Jharkhand
7RHR Rajhura 06:3106:32--1m144.849202mECRDist. Palamu, Jharkhand
8TRZ Tolra 06:4406:45--1m154.618192mECRPalamu, Jharkhand
9GHD Garhwa Road Junction 07:0507:15110m160.541190mECRPalamu Pn. no - 06584-262777, Jharkhand
10SQS Sigsigi 07:2407:2511m166.641181mECR822124, Jharkhand
11KRTA Karkatta 07:3207:3311m171.434176mECRPalamu, Jharkhand
12URD Untari Road 07:4307:4411m177.034169mECRPalamu, Jharkhand
13SZF Satbahini 07:5307:5411m182.144161mECRDist Palamu 822120, Jharkhand
14MDJ Mohammad Ganj 08:0308:0411m188.751156mECRJharkhand, Jharkhand
15KVQ Kosiara 08:1208:13--1m195.539155mECR822115, Jharkhand
16HDN Haidar Nagar 08:2108:22--1m1100.752152mECRPalamu, Jharkhand
17JPL Japla 08:3008:31--1m1107.638149mECRDistt. Palamau 822116, Jharkhand
18KYF Kajrat Nawadih 08:4308:44--1m1115.254140mECRTiwari Vigha Rd, Jharkhand
19NBG Nabinagar Road 08:5308:54--1m1123.4107140mECR824303, Bihar
20BSYA Barkisalaiya 09:0309:04--1m1139.419122mECRTilauthu, Bihar
21ANH Ankorha 09:1209:13--1m1141.960123mECRAurangabad, Bihar
22BCJ Bagahabishunpur 09:2209:23--1m1151.022115mECRBagahabishunpur, Bihar
23SEB Son Nagar Junction 09:4409:45--1m1158.917110mECRPin:824112, Bihar
24DOS Dehri On Sone 10:05--1164.6-113mECRRohtas(06184-253154), Bihar

Coach Postion (Rake)


Alternet Trains of Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
18631Ranchi - Ajmer Garib Nawaz Express xxxxTxx
13347Palamau Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Barwadih Junction to Dehri On Sone

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
18632Ajmer - Ranchi Garib Nawaz Express xxxxxxS
13348Palamau Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Barwadih to Dehri

Barwadih Dehri on Sone Passenger Train Number 53611 runs in Barwadih to Dehri Route. Above is the complete details about 53611 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.