Kiul Gaya Passenger Train No 53627

This article contains information about Kiul Gaya Passenger train route, Kiul Gaya Passenger train time table, Kiul Gaya Passenger train schedule, Kiul Gaya Passenger coach position, 53627 train route, 53627 train time table, 53627 train schedule, 53627 coach position, 53627 Stations, 53627 platform number, 53627 train platform. Also you will know train route from Kiul to Gaya, train schedule from Kiul to Gaya, train time table from Kiul to Gaya.


Kiul Gaya Passenger

Kiul Gaya Passenger Train Number 53627 from Kiul Junction to Gaya Junction is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in ECR/East Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 11 halts. 30 intermediate Stations between Kiul Junction and Gaya Junction Covering a total distance of 129 km in 5h 0m time. The Departure time of Kiul Gaya Passenger from Kiul Junction is 06:10 and arrival time at Gaya Junction is 11:10 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Kiul Junction station and Platform Number 9 at Gaya Junction.

Schedule of Kiul Gaya Passenger

From: KIUL Kiul Junction
To: GAYA Gaya Junction
Departs @ 06:10
Arrive @ 11:10
Platform --
Platform 9
Type: Passenger
Zone:ECR/East Central
Travel Time: 5h 0m
11 halts
Distance: 129 km
Avg Speed: 26 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Kiul Gaya Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1KIUL Kiul Junction 06:10--10.01154mECRDist. Lakhisarai, Bihar
2LKR Luckeesarai Junction 06:1706:1821m11.33052mECRLakhisarai, Bihar
3KRTR Karota Patri Halt 06:3006:32--2m17.36147mECRSH 18, Bihar
4SRY Sirari 06:4106:43--2m116.43547mECRState Highway 6, Bihar
5SHK Sheikpura 07:0007:01--1m126.35453mECRSheikhpura, Bihar
6KSC Kashi Chak 07:1807:1911m141.63662mECRNalanda, Bihar
7WRS Waris AleGanj 07:3607:38--2m151.74775mECRWarisaliganj, Bihar
8NWD Nawadah 08:0208:07--5m170.54593mECRNawada, Bihar
9TIA Tilaiya Junction 08:3008:32--2m188.02098mECRState Highway 8, Bihar
10WZJ WazerGanj 09:2609:2812m1105.928112mECRGaya, Bihar
11KRJR Karjara 09:4409:4612m1113.29116mECRState Highway 8, Bihar
12MPO Manpur Junction 10:5710:58--1m1124.226111mECRGaya, Bihar
13GAYA Gaya Junction 11:1091129.3-115mECR0631-2220283, Bihar

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Kiul Gaya Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13023Howrah - Gaya Express SMTWTFS
53623Jhajha-Gaya Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Kiul Junction to Gaya Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13024Gaya - Howrah Express SMTWTFS
53624Gaya-Jhajha Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Kiul to Gaya

Kiul Gaya Passenger Train Number 53627 runs in Kiul to Gaya Route. Above is the complete details about 53627 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.