Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger Train No 55603

This article contains information about Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger train route, Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger train time table, Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger train schedule, Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger coach position, 55603 train route, 55603 train time table, 55603 train schedule, 55603 coach position, 55603 Stations, 55603 platform number, 55603 train platform. Also you will know train route from Guwahati to Mairabari, train schedule from Guwahati to Mairabari, train time table from Guwahati to Mairabari.


Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger

Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger Train Number 55603 from Guwahati to Mairabari is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in NFR/Northeast Frontier Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 27 halts. 29 intermediate Stations between Guwahati and Mairabari Covering a total distance of 160 km in 5h 5m time. The Departure time of Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger from Guwahati is 17:30 and arrival time at Mairabari is 22:35 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Guwahati station and Platform Number 1 at Mairabari.

Schedule of Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger

From: GHY Guwahati
To: MBO Mairabari
Departs @ 17:30
Arrive @ 22:35
Platform --
Platform 1
Type: Passenger
Zone:NFR/Northeast Frontier
Travel Time: 5h 5m
27 halts
Distance: 160 km
Avg Speed: 31 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1GHY Guwahati 17:30--10.03960mNFRGuwahati-781001, Assam
2NNGE Narangi 17:4317:44--1m18.54058mNFRGuwahati, Assam
3PHI Panikhaiti 17:5217:53--1m113.84059mNFRChandrapur Rd, Assam
4TKC Thakurkuchi 18:0118:02--1m119.24354mNFRHatisila, Assam
5PNB Panbari 18:1218:13--1m126.44358mNFRBurha Mayang Par, Assam
6DGU Digaru 18:2318:24--1m133.51858mNFRDigaru, Assam
7TTLA Tetelia 18:4318:4411m139.24659mNFRHelagog, Assam
8KKET Kamrup Khetri 18:5218:53--1m145.32762mNFRKhetri, Assam
9BRHU Barahu 19:0619:07--1m151.22159mNFRGuripathar, Assam
10JID Jagi Road 19:2419:26--2m157.06562mNFRJagiroad, Assam
11AJRE Aujari 19:3319:34--1m164.62360mNFRJagiroad, Assam
12SNBR Sonuabary 19:4819:49--1m169.83057mNFRBhalukaguri, Assam
13DML Dharamtul 20:0120:02--1m175.84059mNFRDharamtul, Assam
14TGE Thekeraguri 20:1320:1411m183.13462mNFRMorakolong, Assam
15CPK Chaparmukh Junction 20:2820:30--2m191.02865mNFRAssam, Assam
16RAHA Raha 20:3820:3911m194.75962mNFRRoha, Assam
17PUY Phulaguri 20:4720:48--1m1102.55464mNFRNational Highway 37, Assam
18BEE Bebejia 20:5420:55--1m1107.92067mNFRNational Highway 37, Assam
19SCE Senchoa Junction 21:0121:03--2m1109.95163mNFRSenchoa, Assam
20HBN Haibargaon 21:1021:1515m1115.85568mNFRNagaon 782002, Assam
21RUP Rupahigaon 21:2621:2711m1125.94269mNFRNagaon, Assam
22TRBE Tarabari 21:3521:36--1m1131.53867mNFRNagaon, Assam
23JRX Juriagaon 21:4321:4411m1135.93469mNFRMathaouri Rd, Assam
24DGX Dagaon 21:5121:52--1m1139.84067mNFRMathaouri Rd, Assam
25BKS Balikotia 22:0022:01--1m1145.22967mNFRMathaouri Rd, Assam
26BTDR Batadrowa Road 22:0722:0811m1148.14769mNFRMathaouri Rd, Assam
27DBZ Dhing Bazar 22:1622:1711m1154.43466mNFRMathaouri Rd, Assam
28DIU Dhing 22:2222:2311m1157.31365mNFRNational Highway 37, Assam
29MBO Mairabari 22:3511159.9-67mNFRNagaon, Assam

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
No Data
Total Alternet Trains: 0

Return Train from Guwahati to Mairabari

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
55604Mairabari-Guwahati KOLONGPAR Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 1

Train From Guwahati to Mairabari

Guwahati-Mairabari KOLONGPAR Passenger Train Number 55603 runs in Guwahati to Mairabari Route. Above is the complete details about 55603 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.