Kannur Kozhikode Passenger Train No 56652

This article contains information about Kannur Kozhikode Passenger train route, Kannur Kozhikode Passenger train time table, Kannur Kozhikode Passenger train schedule, Kannur Kozhikode Passenger coach position, 56652 train route, 56652 train time table, 56652 train schedule, 56652 coach position, 56652 Stations, 56652 platform number, 56652 train platform. Also you will know train route from Kannur to Kozhikode, train schedule from Kannur to Kozhikode, train time table from Kannur to Kozhikode.


Kannur Kozhikode Passenger

Kannur Kozhikode Passenger Train Number 56652 from Kannur Main (Cannanore) to Kozhikode Main (Calicut) is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in SR/Southern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 18 halts. 18 intermediate Stations between Kannur Main (Cannanore) and Kozhikode Main (Calicut) Covering a total distance of 89 km in 2h 45m time. The Departure time of Kannur Kozhikode Passenger from Kannur Main (Cannanore) is 17:20 and arrival time at Kozhikode Main (Calicut) is 20:05 . It usually comes on Platform Number 2 at Kannur Main (Cannanore) station and Platform Number -- at Kozhikode Main (Calicut).

Schedule of Kannur Kozhikode Passenger

From: CAN Kannur Main (Cannanore)
To: CLT Kozhikode Main (Calicut)
Departs @ 17:20
Arrive @ 20:05
Platform 2
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Travel Time: 2h 45m
18 halts
Distance: 89 km
Avg Speed: 32 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Kannur Kozhikode Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1CAN Kannur Main (Cannanore) 17:20210.03116mSRKannur Tel: 0497 2705555, Kerala
2CS Kannur South 17:2717:2811m13.7658mSRKannur, Kerala
3ETK Etakkot 17:3617:3721m112.44613mSRNear Muzhappilangad, Kerala
4DMD Dharmadam 17:4217:4311m116.24516mSRKannur District, Kerala
5TLY Thalassery 17:4917:5021m120.7369mSRKannur, Kerala
6JGE Jagannath Temple Gate 17:5417:5521m123.1597mSRKannur District, Kerala
7MAHE Mahe 18:0218:0321m129.93817mSRMahe Railway Station Road -Mahe, Puducherry
8MUKE Mukkali 18:0918:1011m133.75517mSRChombala, Kerala
9NAU Nadapuram Road 18:1418:1521m137.38217mSRMadappallly, Kerala
10BDJ Vadakara 18:1918:2011m142.85710mSRCalicut / Station Ph No : 0496-2524254, Kerala
11IGL Iringal 18:2418:25--1m146.68920mSRKochi - Panavel Rd, Kerala
12PYOL Payyoli 18:2918:3011m152.54512mSRPayyoli, Kerala
13TKT Tikkotti 18:3418:3521m155.55714mSRThikkodi, Kerala
14VEK Vellarakkad 18:3918:40--1m159.33617mSRVellarakkad Railway Station, Kerala
15QLD Koyilandy 18:4918:5021m164.76517mSRQuilandi, Kerala
16CMC Chemancheri 18:5518:5611m170.15411mSRDist. Kozhikode, Kerala
17ETR Elattur 19:0419:0521m177.26213mSRKozhikode district, Kerala
18WH West Hill 19:1219:1321m184.54012mSRCalicut, Kerala
19VLL Vellayil 19:1719:18--1m187.1217mSRCalicut, Kerala
20CLT Kozhikode Main (Calicut) 20:05--189.0-11mSRCalicut Tel: 0495 2701234, Kerala

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Kannur Kozhikode Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
16308Kannur - Alappuzha Executive Express SMTWxFx
16311Bikaner - Kochuveli Express xxTxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Kannur Main (Cannanore) to Kozhikode Main (Calicut)

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
16307Alappuzha - Kannur Executive Express SMTWxFx
16312Kochuveli - Bikaner Express xxxxxxS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Kannur to Kozhikode

Kannur Kozhikode Passenger Train Number 56652 runs in Kannur to Kozhikode Route. Above is the complete details about 56652 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.