Kannur Mangalore Passenger Train No 623

This article contains information about Kannur Mangalore Passenger train route, Kannur Mangalore Passenger train time table, Kannur Mangalore Passenger train schedule, Kannur Mangalore Passenger coach position, 623 train route, 623 train time table, 623 train schedule, 623 coach position, 623 Stations, 623 platform number, 623 train platform. Also you will know train route from Kannur to Mangalore, train schedule from Kannur to Mangalore, train time table from Kannur to Mangalore.


Kannur Mangalore Passenger

Kannur Mangalore Passenger Train Number 623 from Kannur Main (Cannanore) to Mangalore Central is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 20 halts. 22 intermediate Stations between Kannur Main (Cannanore) and Mangalore Central Covering a total distance of 132 km in 3h 45m time. The Departure time of Kannur Mangalore Passenger from Kannur Main (Cannanore) is 07:25 and arrival time at Mangalore Central is 11:10. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Kannur Main (Cannanore) station and Platform Number -- at Mangalore Central.

Schedule of Kannur Mangalore Passenger

From: CAN Kannur Main (Cannanore)
To: MAQ Mangalore Central
Departs @ 07:25
Arrive @ 11:10
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Travel Time: 3h 45m
20 halts
Distance: 132 km
Avg Speed: 35 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Kannur Mangalore Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1CAN Kannur Main (Cannanore) 07:25--10.09716mSRKannur Tel: 0497 2705555, Kerala
2CQL Chirakkal 07:2807:30--2m14.84127mSRKannur district, Kerala
3VAPM Valapattanam 07:3307:35--2m16.9319mSRKannur District, Kerala
4PPNS Pappinisseri 07:3807:40--2m18.412110mSRKannur District, Kerala
5KPQ Kannapuram 07:4307:45--2m114.5579mSRKannur District, Kerala
6PAZ Payangadi 07:5307:55--2m122.0899mSRKannur District, Kerala
7ELM Ezhimala 08:0108:03--2m130.9333mSRKannur District, Kerala
8PAY Payyanur 08:0808:10--2m133.7749mSRKannur District, Kerala
9TKQ Trikarpur 08:1508:17--2m139.98713mSRKasargod district, Kerala
10CDRA Chandera 08:2008:22--2m144.24211mSRKasaragod, Kerala
11CHV Charvattur 08:2808:30--2m148.43912mSRKasaragod district, Kerala
12NLE Nileshwar 08:3808:40--2m153.77014mSRNileswaram, Kerala
13KZE Kanhangad 08:4808:50--2m163.06612mSRKanhangad, Kerala
14BFR Bekal Fort 08:5809:00--2m171.87312mSRPallikere, Kerala
15KQK Kotikulam 09:0409:06--2m176.65626mSRBekal, Kerala
16KLAD Kalanad Halt 09:1309:15--2m183.2356mSRKasaragod, Kerala
17KGQ Kasaragod 09:2009:22--2m186.19218mSRTel: 04994 220800, Kerala
18KMQ Kumbala 09:3009:32--2m198.39819mSRKumbla, Kerala
19UAA Uppala 09:3809:40--2m1108.15217mSRKasaragod District, Kerala
20MJS Manjeshwar 09:4809:50--2m1115.06314mSRKasaragod, Kerala
21ULL Ullal 09:5810:00--2m1123.4728mSRSomeshwar, Karnataka
22MAQ Mangalore Central 11:10--1131.9-16mSRMangaluru Dakshin Kannada 575001, Karnataka

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Kannur Mangalore Passenger

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Kannur Main (Cannanore) to Mangalore Central

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
0626Mangalore Chennai Pooja Special xxxxTxx
12602Mangaluru - Chennai SF Mail SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Kannur to Mangalore

Kannur Mangalore Passenger Train Number 623 runs in Kannur to Mangalore Route. Above is the complete details about 623 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.