Parashuram Express Train No 6350

This article contains information about Parashuram Express train route, Parashuram Express train time table, Parashuram Express train schedule, Parashuram Express coach position, 6350 train route, 6350 train time table, 6350 train schedule, 6350 coach position, 6350 Stations, 6350 platform number, 6350 train platform. Also you will know train route from Mangalore to Thiruvananthapuram, train schedule from Mangalore to Thiruvananthapuram, train time table from Mangalore to Thiruvananthapuram.


Parashuram Express

Parashuram Express Train Number 6350 from Mangalore Central to Thiruvananthapuram Central (Trivandrum) is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 40 halts. 120 intermediate Stations between Mangalore Central and Thiruvananthapuram Central (Trivandrum) Covering a total distance of 632 km in 14h 15m time. The Departure time of Parashuram Express from Mangalore Central is 04:15 and arrival time at Thiruvananthapuram Central (Trivandrum) is 18:30. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Mangalore Central station and Platform Number -- at Thiruvananthapuram Central (Trivandrum).

Schedule of Parashuram Express

From: MAQ Mangalore Central
To: TVC Thiruvananthapuram Central (Trivandrum)
Departs @ 04:15
Arrive @ 18:30
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Travel Time: 14h 15m
40 halts
Distance: 632 km
Avg Speed: 44 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Parashuram Express

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1MAQ Mangalore Central 04:15--10.05616mSRMangaluru Dakshin Kannada 575001, Karnataka
2KGQ Kasaragod 05:0405:05--1m145.87318mSRTel: 04994 220800, Kerala
3KZE Kanhangad 05:2405:25--1m168.96212mSRKanhangad, Kerala
4NLE Nileshwar 05:3405:3521m178.25014mSRNileswaram, Kerala
5PAY Payyanur 05:5906:00--1m198.2789mSRKannur District, Kerala
6PAZ Payangadi 06:0906:10--1m1109.9659mSRKannur District, Kerala
7KPQ Kannapuram 06:1706:18--1m1117.4279mSRKannur District, Kerala
8CAN Kannur Main (Cannanore) 06:5006:55--5m1131.96516mSRKannur Tel: 0497 2705555, Kerala
9TLY Thalassery 07:1407:15--1m1152.6509mSRKannur, Kerala
10MAHE Mahe 07:2607:27--1m1161.84517mSRMahe Railway Station Road -Mahe, Puducherry
11BDJ Vadakara 07:4407:45--1m1174.76910mSRCalicut / Station Ph No : 0496-2524254, Kerala
12QLD Koyilandy 08:0408:05--1m1196.64217mSRQuilandi, Kerala
13CLT Kozhikode Main (Calicut) 08:4008:4515m1220.94311mSRCalicut Tel: 0495 2701234, Kerala
14FK Ferok 08:5909:00--1m1230.94415mSRFeroke, Kerala
15VLI Vallikunnu 09:1409:15--1m1241.13713mSRVallikkunnu, Kerala
16PGI Parappanangadi 09:2309:24--1m1246.15417mSRParappanangadi, Kerala
17TA Tanur 09:3309:34--1m1254.24811mSRMalappuram, Kerala
18TIR Tirur 09:4409:45--1m1262.2539mSRTel: 0494 2422240, Kerala
19KTU Kuttippuram 10:0210:0321m1277.27417mSRMalappuram, Kerala
20PTB Pattambi 10:1810:2022m1295.61524mSRPalakkad 679303, Kerala
21SRR Shoranur Junction 0466-2222913, Kerala
22WKI Wadakkanchery 11:2911:30--1m1323.55041mSRWadackanchery, Kerala
23TCR Thrissur (Trichur) 11:5011:53--3m1340.3683mSRThrissur Tel: 0487 2423150, Kerala
24IJK Irinjalakkuda 12:1412:15--1m1364.04319mSRPh 0487-2881243, Kerala
25CKI Chalakkudy 12:2412:25--1m1370.53310mSRPh: 0480- 2701368, Kerala
26DINR Divine Nagar 12:2912:30--1m1372.65614mSRKerala 680309, Kerala
27AFK Angamaly for Kalady 12:4412:45--1m1385.76117mSRPhone: 0484-2452340, Kerala
28AWY Aluva (Alwaye) 12:5412:57--3m1394.93615mSRPh: 0484-2624141, Kerala
29ERN Ernakulam Town (North) 13:2513:30--5m1411.7519mSRXavier Arakkal Road North Ernakulam Tel: 0484 2395198, Kerala
30PVRD Piravom Road 14:0414:05--1m1440.75216mSRKottayam Ph 04829 257138, Kerala
31ETM Ettumanur 14:2914:3011m1461.33230mSRKottayam 686562 Ph : 0481 2535531, Kerala
32KTYM Kottayam 14:5014:53--3m1471.97118mSRKottayam Tel: 0481 2563535, Kerala
33CGY Changanassery 15:0815:10--2m1489.7598mSRKottayam Ph: 0481- 2420108, Kerala
34TRVL Tiruvalla 15:1815:20--2m1497.63922mSRPathanamthitta Ph 0469-2601314, Kerala
35CNGR Chengannur 15:3415:35--1m1506.65413mSRAlappuzha Ph: 0479-2452340, Kerala
36MVLK Mavelikara 15:4915:50--1m1519.25812mSRAlappuzha Ph 0479 - 2302249, Kerala
37KYJ Kayamkulam Junction 15:5816:00--2m1526.85811mSRAlappuzha Ph;0479-2442042, Kerala
38KPY Karunagappalli 16:1416:15--1m1540.34713mSRKollam Dist, Kerala
39QLN Kollam Junction (Quilon) 16:5016:55--5m1567.75916mSRKollam 0474-2746194, Kerala
40VAK Varkala Sivagiri 17:1917:20--1m1591.36857mSREdava Kappil Road, Kerala
41TVP Thiruvananthapuram Pettah 17:5417:55--1m1629.9420mSRTrivandrum Ph: 04712470181, Kerala
42TVC Thiruvananthapuram Central (Trivandrum) 18:30--1632.3-13mSRThiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Parashuram Express

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
16630Malabar Express SMTWTFS
16603Maveli Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Mangalore Central to Thiruvananthapuram Central (Trivandrum)

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
16629Malabar Express SMTWTFS
16347Thiruvananthapuram - Mangaluru Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Mangalore to Thiruvananthapuram

Parashuram Express Train Number 6350 runs in Mangalore to Thiruvananthapuram Route. Above is the complete details about 6350 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.