Asansol - Gomoh MEMU Train No 63541

This article contains information about Asansol - Gomoh MEMU train route, Asansol - Gomoh MEMU train time table, Asansol - Gomoh MEMU train schedule, Asansol - Gomoh MEMU coach position, 63541 train route, 63541 train time table, 63541 train schedule, 63541 coach position, 63541 Stations, 63541 platform number, 63541 train platform. Also you will know train route from Asansol to Netaji, train schedule from Asansol to Netaji, train time table from Asansol to Netaji.


Asansol - Gomoh MEMU

Asansol - Gomoh MEMU Train Number 63541 from Asansol Junction to Netaji SC Bose Junction Gomoh is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in ER/Eastern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 16 halts. 16 intermediate Stations between Asansol Junction and Netaji SC Bose Junction Gomoh Covering a total distance of 88 km in 2h 0m time. The Departure time of Asansol - Gomoh MEMU from Asansol Junction is 05:10 and arrival time at Netaji SC Bose Junction Gomoh is 07:10 . It usually comes on Platform Number 2 at Asansol Junction station and Platform Number 4 at Netaji SC Bose Junction Gomoh.

Schedule of Asansol - Gomoh MEMU

From: ASN Asansol Junction
To: GMO Netaji SC Bose Junction Gomoh
Departs @ 05:10
Arrive @ 07:10
Platform 2
Platform 4
Type: MEMU
Travel Time: 2h 0m
16 halts
Distance: 88 km
Avg Speed: 44 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Asansol - Gomoh MEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1ASN Asansol Junction 05:10210.062114mERDist - Bardhaman, West Bengal
2BCQ Barachak Junction 05:1505:16--1m15.145127mERdist - bardhaman, West Bengal
3STN Sitarampur Junction 05:2105:2211m18.862139mERG T Rd Before Asansol, West Bengal
4ULT Kulti 05:2705:2811m114.048146mERdist - bardhaman, West Bengal
5BRR Barakar 05:3205:3311m117.238132mERDist. Bardhaman, West Bengal
6KMME Kumardubi 05:3705:3811m119.770135mERDhanbad - 828203(06540-222077), Jharkhand
7MMU Mugma 05:4205:43--1m124.465133mERPin- 828204, Jharkhand
8TNW Thapar Nagar 05:4805:49--1m129.864144mERDhanbad, Jharkhand
9KAO Kalubathan 05:5305:54--1m134.079160mERDhanbad, Jharkhand
10CAM Chhota Ambana 06:0106:02--1m143.332199mERDist-Dhanbad, Jharkhand
11PKA Pradhankhunta Junction 06:1306:1421m149.154203mECRDhanbad, Jharkhand
12DOKM Dokra Halt 06:1906:2011m153.647215mECRDhanbad-826001, Jharkhand
13DHN Dhanbad Junction 06:2606:2832m158.376236mECRRailway inquiry - 0326-2319801, Jharkhand
14BHN Bhuli 06:3106:3211m162.264230mECRDist- Dhanbad Pin- 828105, Jharkhand
15TET Tetulmari 06:3706:38--1m167.588226mECRDhanbad-828121, Jharkhand
16NPJE Nichitpur 06:4206:43--1m173.363225mECRKatras, Jharkhand
17MRQ Matari 06:4806:49--1m178.627245mECRnear Dhanbad, Jharkhand
18GMO Netaji SC Bose Junction Gomoh 07:104188.1-240mECRJharkhand, Jharkhand

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Asansol - Gomoh MEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12175Chambal Express SxTWxxx
12177Howrah - Mathura Chambal Express xxxxxFx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Asansol Junction to Netaji SC Bose Junction Gomoh

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12176Chambal Express xxTxTxS
12178Chambal SuperFast Express xMxxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Asansol to Netaji

Asansol - Gomoh MEMU Train Number 63541 runs in Asansol to Netaji Route. Above is the complete details about 63541 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.