Panipat New Delhi EMU Train No 64466

This article contains information about Panipat New Delhi EMU train route, Panipat New Delhi EMU train time table, Panipat New Delhi EMU train schedule, Panipat New Delhi EMU coach position, 64466 train route, 64466 train time table, 64466 train schedule, 64466 coach position, 64466 Stations, 64466 platform number, 64466 train platform. Also you will know train route from Panipat to New, train schedule from Panipat to New, train time table from Panipat to New.


Panipat New Delhi EMU

Panipat New Delhi EMU Train Number 64466 from Panipat Junction to New Delhi is a EMU - Delhi train belonging to Indian Railways in NR/Northern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 17 halts. 18 intermediate Stations between Panipat Junction and New Delhi Covering a total distance of 90 km in 2h 55m time. The Departure time of Panipat New Delhi EMU from Panipat Junction is 21:10 and arrival time at New Delhi is 00:05 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number 4 at Panipat Junction station and Platform Number 9 at New Delhi.

Schedule of Panipat New Delhi EMU

From: PNP Panipat Junction
To: NDLS New Delhi
Departs @ 21:10
Arrive @ 00:05 +1 night
Platform 4
Platform 9
Type: EMU - Delhi
Travel Time: 2h 55m
17 halts
Distance: 90 km
Avg Speed: 31 km/hr
Peak Speed: 103 km/hr
From: RDDE/Rathdhana
To: NUR/Narela

Train Route of Panipat New Delhi EMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1PNP Panipat Junction 21:10410.062236mNRHaryana 132103, Haryana
2DWNA Diwana 21:1821:1911m18.366235mNRDist. Panipat Haryana 132106, Haryana
3SMK Samalkha 21:2721:2811m117.154227mNRHaryana 132101, Haryana
4BDMJ Bhodwal Majri 21:3521:36--1m123.490224mNRHaryana 132102, Haryana
5GNU Ganaur 21:4021:4111m129.445222mNRGanaur, Haryana
6RUG Rajlu Garhi 21:4721:48--1m133.937223mNRHaryana 131001, Haryana
7SLKN Sandal Kalan 21:5321:54--1m136.915223mNRSonepat, Haryana
8SNP Sonipat 22:2822:3012m145.355232mNRHaryana 131304, Haryana
9HNN Harsana Kalan 22:3622:37--1m150.860216mNRHaryana 131304, Haryana
10RDDE Rathdhana 22:4222:43--1m155.857223mNRSonipat, Haryana
11NUR Narela 22:5022:5111m162.455220mNRDelhi 110040, Delhi NCT
12HUK Holambi Kalan 22:5722:58--1m167.946215mNRDelhi 110082, Delhi NCT
13KHKN Khera Kalan 23:0323:04--1m171.839215mNRKhera Kalan, Delhi NCT
14BHD Badli 23:0923:10--1m175.149218mNR110042, Delhi NCT
15ANDI Adarsh Nagar 23:1523:16--1m179.225215mNRDelhi 110033, Delhi NCT
16DAZ Delhi Azadpur 23:2123:22--1m181.317213mNRLal Bagh, Delhi NCT
17SZM Sabzi Mandi 23:3823:3921m185.719219mNRGulabi Bagh, Delhi NCT
18DSB Sadar Bazar 23:4623:4721m187.96223mNRSadar Bazaar, Delhi NCT
19NDLS New Delhi 00:059289.8-216mNRAjmeri Gate 110002, Delhi NCT

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Panipat New Delhi EMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
11058Amritsar - Mumbai CST (Pathankot) Express SMTWTFS
12450Goa Sampark Kranti Express xMxxxxS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Panipat Junction to New Delhi

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Panipat to New

Panipat New Delhi EMU Train Number 64466 runs in Panipat to New Route. Above is the complete details about 64466 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.