Shakurbasti Mathura EMU Train No 64910

This article contains information about Shakurbasti Mathura EMU train route, Shakurbasti Mathura EMU train time table, Shakurbasti Mathura EMU train schedule, Shakurbasti Mathura EMU coach position, 64910 train route, 64910 train time table, 64910 train schedule, 64910 coach position, 64910 Stations, 64910 platform number, 64910 train platform. Also you will know train route from Shakur to Mathura, train schedule from Shakur to Mathura, train time table from Shakur to Mathura.


Shakurbasti Mathura EMU

Shakurbasti Mathura EMU Train Number 64910 from Shakur Basti to Mathura Junction is a EMU - Delhi train belonging to Indian Railways in NR/Northern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 24 halts. 30 intermediate Stations between Shakur Basti and Mathura Junction Covering a total distance of 153 km in 3h 45m time. The Departure time of Shakurbasti Mathura EMU from Shakur Basti is 18:20 and arrival time at Mathura Junction is 22:05 . It usually comes on Platform Number 3 at Shakur Basti station and Platform Number 4 at Mathura Junction.

Schedule of Shakurbasti Mathura EMU

From: SSB Shakur Basti
To: MTJ Mathura Junction
Departs @ 18:20
Arrive @ 22:05
Platform 3
Platform 4
Type: EMU - Delhi
Travel Time: 3h 45m
24 halts
Distance: 153 km
Avg Speed: 41 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Shakurbasti Mathura EMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1SSB Shakur Basti 18:20310.046216mNRIndia, Delhi NCT
2DBSI Dayabasti 18:2618:27--1m14.625224mNRZakhira, Delhi NCT
3VVKP Vivekanand Puri Halt 18:3018:31--1m15.935223mNRSarai Rohilla, Delhi NCT
4DKZ Delhi Kishan Ganj 18:3418:35--1m17.614221mNRSarai Rohilla, Delhi NCT
5DSB Sadar Bazar 18:4418:4511m19.711223mNRSadar Bazaar, Delhi NCT
6NDLS New Delhi 18:5518:5772m111.617216mNRAjmeri Gate 110002, Delhi NCT
7CSB Shivaji Bridge 19:0119:02--1m112.724215mNRConnaught Place, Delhi NCT
8TKJ Tilak Bridge 19:0519:06--1m113.959213mNRNew Delhi, Delhi NCT
9NZM Hazrat Nizamuddin 19:1119:1241m118.844210mNRNew Delhi 110013, Delhi NCT
10OKA Okhla 19:1719:18--1m122.470216mNRIshwar Nagar Mathura Road, Delhi NCT
11TKD Tuglakabad 19:2419:25--1m129.462216mNRNear Tughlakabad Metro Station, Delhi NCT
12FDB Faridabad 19:3519:3631m139.757207mNRold Faridabad, Haryana
13FDN Faridabad New Town 19:4019:41--1m143.560204mNRFaridabad, Haryana
14BVH Ballabgarh 19:4519:46--1m147.666204mNRFaridabad, Haryana
15AST Asaoti 19:5519:5621m157.531200mNRAsaoti, Haryana
16PWL Palwal 20:1820:2032m168.880199mNRPalwal, Haryana
17RDE Rundhi 20:2720:28--1m178.278194mNCRRundhi, Haryana
18SHLK Sholaka 20:3620:37--1m188.648194mNCRFaridabad, Haryana
19BNCR Banchari 20:4120:42--1m191.861189mNCRNational Highway 2, Haryana
20HDL Hodal 20:4920:50--1m198.967190mNCRFaridabad, Haryana
21KSV Kosi Kalan 21:0121:0221m1111.377189mNCRKosi Kalan, Uttar Pradesh
22CHJ Chata 21:1021:11--1m1121.575187mNCRChhata, Uttar Pradesh
23AJH Ajhai 21:1921:20--1m1131.682186mNCRAjhai, Uttar Pradesh
24VRBD Vrindaban Road 21:2821:29--1m1142.675180mNCRVrindaban, Uttar Pradesh
25BTSR Bhuteshwar 21:3521:36--1m1150.16181mNCRMathura, Uttar Pradesh
26MTJ Mathura Junction 22:0541152.8-182mNCRMathura, Uttar Pradesh

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Shakurbasti Mathura EMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
16032Andaman Express xxTxxFS
11450Katra - Jabalpur (Durgavati) Express xxxWxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Shakur Basti to Mathura Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
16031Andaman Express SxxWTxx
11449Jabalpur - Katra (Durgawati) Express xxTxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Shakur to Mathura

Shakurbasti Mathura EMU Train Number 64910 runs in Shakur to Mathura Route. Above is the complete details about 64910 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.