Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger Train No 66607

This article contains information about Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger train route, Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger train time table, Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger train schedule, Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger coach position, 66607 train route, 66607 train time table, 66607 train schedule, 66607 coach position, 66607 Stations, 66607 platform number, 66607 train platform. Also you will know train route from Coimbatore to Palakkad, train schedule from Coimbatore to Palakkad, train time table from Coimbatore to Palakkad.


Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger

Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger Train Number 66607 from Coimbatore Main Junction to Palakkad Town (Palghat) is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in SR/Southern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 6 halts. 8 intermediate Stations between Coimbatore Main Junction and Palakkad Town (Palghat) Covering a total distance of 60 km in 1h 45m time. The Departure time of Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger from Coimbatore Main Junction is 18:10 and arrival time at Palakkad Town (Palghat) is 19:55 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Coimbatore Main Junction station and Platform Number 1 at Palakkad Town (Palghat).

Schedule of Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger

From: CBE Coimbatore Main Junction
To: PGTN Palakkad Town (Palghat)
Departs @ 18:10
Arrive @ 19:55
Platform --
Platform 1
Type: MEMU
Travel Time: 1h 45m
6 halts
Distance: 60 km
Avg Speed: 34 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1CBE Coimbatore Main Junction 18:10--10.039417mSRCoimbatore 641001, Tamil Nadu
2PTJ Podanur Junction 18:1918:20--1m15.966400mSRPodanur jtn 0422-2410784, Tamil Nadu
3MDKI Madukarai 18:2918:30--1m115.745344mSRCoimbatore, Tamil Nadu
4ETMD Ettimadai 18:3718:3821m121.048313mSREttimadai, Tamil Nadu
5WRA Walayar 18:4918:5011m129.753214mSRPalakkad, Kerala
6KJKD Kanjikode 19:0419:0511m142.154118mSRPalakkad, Kerala
7PGT Palakkad Junction (Palghat) 19:2019:301,210m155.71081mSRPalakkad Tel: 0491 2555231, Kerala
8PGTN Palakkad Town (Palghat) 19:551159.9-84mSRPalakkad-678001, Kerala

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
56713Trichy - Palakkad Town Fast Passenger SMTWTFS
66609Erode Palakkad Town Passenger SMTWxFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Coimbatore Main Junction to Palakkad Town (Palghat)

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Coimbatore to Palakkad

Coimbatore Palakkad Town Passenger Train Number 66607 runs in Coimbatore to Palakkad Route. Above is the complete details about 66607 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.