Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU Train No 68021

This article contains information about Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU train route, Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU train time table, Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU train schedule, Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU coach position, 68021 train route, 68021 train time table, 68021 train schedule, 68021 coach position, 68021 Stations, 68021 platform number, 68021 train platform. Also you will know train route from Kharagpur to Balasore, train schedule from Kharagpur to Balasore, train time table from Kharagpur to Balasore.


Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU

Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU Train Number 68021 from Kharagpur Junction to Balasore is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in SER/South Eastern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 16 halts. 18 intermediate Stations between Kharagpur Junction and Balasore Covering a total distance of 116 km in 2h 40m time. The Departure time of Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU from Kharagpur Junction is 09:25 and arrival time at Balasore is 12:05 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Kharagpur Junction station and Platform Number 4 at Balasore.

Schedule of Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU

From: KGP Kharagpur Junction
To: BLS Balasore
Departs @ 09:25
Arrive @ 12:05
Platform --
Platform 4
Type: MEMU
Zone:SER/South Eastern
Travel Time: 2h 40m
16 halts
Distance: 116 km
Avg Speed: 44 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1KGP Kharagpur Junction 09:25--10.03342mSERDist: West Medinipur, West Bengal
2HIJ Hijli 09:3209:33--1m13.96948mSERDist - Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal
3BPE Benapur 09:4009:41--1m112.08335mSERNational Highway 60, West Bengal
4NYA Narayangarh 09:4909:50--1m123.06523mSERKasba Narayangarh, West Bengal
5VKD Bakhrabad 09:5609:57--1m129.56015mSERPaschim Medinipur, West Bengal
6BLDA Belda 10:0310:04--1m135.56924mSERDistrict Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal
7NSI Nekurseni 10:1110:12--1m143.67324mSERPaschim Medinipur, West Bengal
8DNT Dantan 10:1910:20--1m152.14422mSERDist - Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal
9AGV Angua 10:2610:27--1m156.56017mSERDist - Pachim Medinipur, West Bengal
10LXD Lakshannath Road 10:3310:34--1m162.55317mSERDist. Balasore, Odisha
11JER Jaleswar 10:4110:42--1m168.75816mSERDistt.- Balasore, Odisha
12RGT Rajghat Halt 10:5010:52--2m176.37712mSERRajghat, Odisha
13ARD Amarda Road 10:5710:58--1m182.85312mSERAmarda Road, Odisha
14BTS Basta 11:0411:05--1m188.15715mSERDist - Balasore 756029, Odisha
15NMBR Nuagaon Mayurbhanj Road 11:1011:11--1m192.96510mSERBaleswar, Odisha
16ROP Rupsa Junction 11:1611:17--1m198.36112mSERDist - Balasore 756028, Odisha
17HIP Haldipada 11:2311:24--1m1104.4179mSERDist - Balasore 756027, Odisha
18BLS Balasore 12:0541116.1-20mSERBalasore - 756001, Odisha

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12510Guwahati - Bengaluru Cantt. (Kaziranga) SF Express SMTxxxx
12841Coromandel Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Kharagpur Junction to Balasore

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12842Coromandel Express SMTWTFS
12822Dhauli Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Kharagpur to Balasore

Kharagpur - Balasore MEMU Train Number 68021 runs in Kharagpur to Balasore Route. Above is the complete details about 68021 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.