Dahod-Anand MEMU Train No 69190

This article contains information about Dahod-Anand MEMU train route, Dahod-Anand MEMU train time table, Dahod-Anand MEMU train schedule, Dahod-Anand MEMU coach position, 69190 train route, 69190 train time table, 69190 train schedule, 69190 coach position, 69190 Stations, 69190 platform number, 69190 train platform. Also you will know train route from Dahod to Anand, train schedule from Dahod to Anand, train time table from Dahod to Anand.


Dahod-Anand MEMU

Dahod-Anand MEMU Train Number 69190 from Dahod to Anand Junction is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in WR/Western Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 21 halts. 22 intermediate Stations between Dahod and Anand Junction Covering a total distance of 152 km in 4h 40m time. The Departure time of Dahod-Anand MEMU from Dahod is 13:00 and arrival time at Anand Junction is 17:40 . It usually comes on Platform Number 1 at Dahod station and Platform Number -- at Anand Junction.

Schedule of Dahod-Anand MEMU

From: DHD Dahod
To: ANND Anand Junction
Departs @ 13:00
Arrive @ 17:40
Platform 1
Platform --
Type: MEMU
Travel Time: 4h 40m
21 halts
Distance: 152 km
Avg Speed: 33 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Dahod-Anand MEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1DHD Dahod 13:00110.074314mWRDahod, Gujarat
2RET Rentia 13:0413:06--2m14.982335mWRDahod, Gujarat
3JKT Jekot 13:1013:12--2m110.474346mWRDahod, Gujarat
4USRA Usra 13:1813:20--2m117.854298mWRMangal Mahudi, Gujarat
5MAM Mangal Mahudi 13:2613:28--2m123.372261mWRDabhada, Gujarat
6LMK Limkheda 13:3613:38--2m132.979205mWRLimkheda, Gujarat
7PPD Piplod 13:4413:46--2m140.889209mWRPiplod, Gujarat
8SAT Sant Road 13:5413:5622m152.777166mWROrwara, Gujarat
9CCL Chanchelav 14:0314:05--2m161.783169mWRNH 59, Gujarat
10KIZ Kansudhi 14:1014:12--2m168.65138mWRGodhra, Gujarat
11GDA Godhra Junction 15:0415:09--5m173.281122mWRGodhra, Gujarat
12VKG Vavadi Khurd 15:1715:18--1m184.02992mWRNational Highway 59, Gujarat
13TUWA Tuwa 15:2615:27--1m187.84582mWRNational Highway 59, Gujarat
14TBA Timba Road 15:3715:38--1m195.32963mWRNational Highway 59, Gujarat
15SVL Sevaliya 15:4815:49--1m1100.13869mWRSevaliya, Gujarat
16AGCI Angadi 15:5916:00--1m1106.43865mWRNational Highway 59, Gujarat
17TAS Thasra 16:1116:12--1m1113.34564mWRNational Highway 59, Gujarat
18DK Dakor 16:2416:25--1m1122.33754mWRState Highway 60, Gujarat
19UMH Umreth 16:3716:38--1m1129.74252mWRUmreth, Gujarat
20OD Od 16:4816:49--1m1136.82949mWROd, Gujarat
21BAJ Bhalej 16:5816:59--1m1141.13044mWRBhalej, Gujarat
22SNA Sadanapura 17:0817:09--1m1145.51247mWRSadanapura, Gujarat
23ANND Anand Junction 17:40--1151.8-44mWRAnand, Gujarat

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Dahod-Anand MEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12918Gujarat Sampark Kranti Express xxTxTxS
12476Sarvodaya Express xMxxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Dahod to Anand Junction

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Dahod to Anand

Dahod-Anand MEMU Train Number 69190 runs in Dahod to Anand Route. Above is the complete details about 69190 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.