Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU Train No 73011

This article contains information about Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU train route, Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU train time table, Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU train schedule, Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU coach position, 73011 train route, 73011 train time table, 73011 train schedule, 73011 coach position, 73011 Stations, 73011 platform number, 73011 train platform. Also you will know train route from Barddhaman to Rampurhat, train schedule from Barddhaman to Rampurhat, train time table from Barddhaman to Rampurhat.


Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU

Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU Train Number 73011 from Barddhaman Junction to Rampurhat is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in ER/Eastern Zone. It has started services from Sun Oct 10, 2010. It has 17 halts. 17 intermediate Stations between Barddhaman Junction and Rampurhat Covering a total distance of 112 km in 2h 30m time. The Departure time of Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU from Barddhaman Junction is 16:15 and arrival time at Rampurhat is 18:45 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Barddhaman Junction station and Platform Number -- at Rampurhat.

Schedule of Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU

From: BWN Barddhaman Junction
To: RPH Rampurhat
Departs @ 16:15
Arrive @ 18:45
Platform --
Platform --
Type: DEMU
Travel Time: 2h 30m
17 halts
Distance: 112 km
Avg Speed: 45 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BWN Barddhaman Junction 16:15--10.06237mER713103, West Bengal
2TIT Talit 16:2216:23--1m17.25937mERDist - Bardhaman Pin 713141, West Bengal
3KAN Khana Junction 16:2916:301A1m113.13642mERDist - Bardhaman Pin 713141, West Bengal
4JTL Jhapater Dhal 16:3716:38--1m117.35342mERDist - Bardhaman, West Bengal
5BPS Banpas 16:4416:4521m122.65046mERDist - Bardhaman, West Bengal
6NRX Noadar Dhal 16:5116:5221m127.65045mERdist - bardhaman, West Bengal
7GKH Guskara 16:5816:5921m132.77540mERDist - Bardhaman, West Bengal
8PCQ Pichkurirdhal 17:0417:0511m138.96138mERDist - Burdwan 713128, West Bengal
9BDH Bhedia 17:1017:1111m144.05841mERDist - Bardhaman, West Bengal
10BHP Bolpur Shantiniketan 17:1917:2112m151.74955mER731204, West Bengal
11PNE Prantik 17:2617:27--1m155.84850mERDist - Birbhum, West Bengal
12KPLE Kopai 17:3517:3611m162.27648mERDist - Birbhum, West Bengal
13AMP Ahmadpur Junction 17:4317:4411m171.16647mERDist - Birbhum, West Bengal
14BSLE Bataspur 17:4917:50--1m176.69354mERDist - Birbhum, West Bengal
15SNT Sainthia Junction 17:5517:5631m184.45457mERDist - Birbhum 731234, West Bengal
16GHLE Gadadharpur 18:0418:0511m191.67052mER731216, West Bengal
17MLV Mallarpur 18:1218:13--1m199.75447mERDist - Birbhum, West Bengal
18TPF Tarapith Road 18:1918:20--1m1105.11745mERDist - Birbhum, West Bengal
19RPH Rampurhat 18:45--1112.2-41mERDIST - Birbhum, West Bengal

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13017Ganadevta Express SMTWTFS
13023Howrah - Gaya Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Barddhaman Junction to Rampurhat

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13162Tebhaga Express xMTWTFS
13018Ganadevta Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Barddhaman to Rampurhat

Barddhaman Rampurhat DEMU Train Number 73011 runs in Barddhaman to Rampurhat Route. Above is the complete details about 73011 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.