Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU Train No 73021

This article contains information about Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU train route, Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU train time table, Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU train schedule, Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU coach position, 73021 train route, 73021 train time table, 73021 train schedule, 73021 coach position, 73021 Stations, 73021 platform number, 73021 train platform. Also you will know train route from Azimganj to Rampurhat, train schedule from Azimganj to Rampurhat, train time table from Azimganj to Rampurhat.


Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU

Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU Train Number 73021 from Azimganj Junction to Rampurhat is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in ER/Eastern Zone. It has started services from Mon Oct 11, 2010. It has 9 halts. 11 intermediate Stations between Azimganj Junction and Rampurhat Covering a total distance of 60 km in 2h 10m time. The Departure time of Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU from Azimganj Junction is 05:05 and arrival time at Rampurhat is 07:15 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Azimganj Junction station and Platform Number 3 at Rampurhat.

Schedule of Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU

From: AZ Azimganj Junction
To: RPH Rampurhat
Departs @ 05:05
Arrive @ 07:15
Platform --
Platform 3
Type: DEMU
Travel Time: 2h 10m
9 halts
Distance: 60 km
Avg Speed: 27 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1AZ Azimganj Junction 05:05--10.02726mERDist - Murshidabad, West Bengal
2ACLE Azimganj City 05:0805:0911m11.42925mERDist - Murshidabad, West Bengal
3GSGB Gosaingram 05:1805:19--1m15.74933mERMurshidabad District, West Bengal
4BAA Barala 05:2605:27--1m111.44639mERMurshidabad District, West Bengal
5SDI Sagardighi 05:3705:38--1m119.04638mERPin - 742226, West Bengal
6MGAE Morgram 05:4805:49--1m126.64323mERDist - Murshidabad, West Bengal
7LAP Lohapur 05:5705:5821m132.34434mERDist - Birbhum, West Bengal
8TKP Takipur 06:0606:0711m138.23940mERDist - Birbhum, West Bengal
9NHT Nalhati Junction 06:1806:2012m145.45546mERDist - Birbhum, West Bengal
10SDLE Swadinpur 06:2806:2931m152.7944mERNH 60 Nalhati- Suri road dist-birbhum, West Bengal
11RPH Rampurhat 07:153159.5-41mERDIST - Birbhum, West Bengal

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13018Ganadevta Express SMTWTFS
53007Katwa - Rampurhat Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Azimganj Junction to Rampurhat

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13017Ganadevta Express SMTWTFS
53008Rampurhat - Katwa Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Azimganj to Rampurhat

Azimganj - Rampurhat DEMU Train Number 73021 runs in Azimganj to Rampurhat Route. Above is the complete details about 73021 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.