Nimtita - Katwa DEMU Train No 73036

This article contains information about Nimtita - Katwa DEMU train route, Nimtita - Katwa DEMU train time table, Nimtita - Katwa DEMU train schedule, Nimtita - Katwa DEMU coach position, 73036 train route, 73036 train time table, 73036 train schedule, 73036 coach position, 73036 Stations, 73036 platform number, 73036 train platform. Also you will know train route from Nimtita to Katwa, train schedule from Nimtita to Katwa, train time table from Nimtita to Katwa.


Nimtita - Katwa DEMU

Nimtita - Katwa DEMU Train Number 73036 from Nimtita to Katwa Junction is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in ER/Eastern Zone. It has started services from Sun Feb 09, 2014. It has 21 halts. 30 intermediate Stations between Nimtita and Katwa Junction Covering a total distance of 128 km in 3h 30m time. The Departure time of Nimtita - Katwa DEMU from Nimtita is 04:30 and arrival time at Katwa Junction is 08:00 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Nimtita station and Platform Number -- at Katwa Junction.

Schedule of Nimtita - Katwa DEMU

From: NILE Nimtita
To: KWAE Katwa Junction
Departs @ 04:30
Arrive @ 08:00
Platform --
Platform --
Type: DEMU
Travel Time: 3h 30m
21 halts
Distance: 128 km
Avg Speed: 37 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Nimtita - Katwa DEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1NILE Nimtita 04:30--10.05028mERDist - Murshidabad, West Bengal
2SPLE Sujnipara 04:3804:39--1m16.74926mERNational Highway 34, West Bengal
3AHN Ahiran 04:4704:4811m113.24124mERJangipur Barrage Ahiran Murshidabad 742223, West Bengal
4JRLE Jangipur Road 04:5805:0022m120.06930mERDist - Murshidabad, West Bengal
5GALE Gankar 05:0605:07--1m126.95831mERGankar, West Bengal
6MGLE Manigram 05:1505:16--1m134.65240mERDist - Murshidabad, West Bengal
7MPLR Mahipal Road 05:2805:29--1m145.03829mERLalgola, West Bengal
8PRDG Poradanga Halt 05:3605:37--1m149.54324mERmurshidabad, West Bengal
9ACLE Azimganj City 05:4305:4411m153.8925mERDist - Murshidabad, West Bengal
10AZ Azimganj Junction 05:5305:55--2m155.24626mERDist - Murshidabad, West Bengal
11DHPD Dahapara Dham 06:0006:0111m159.04221mERUnnamed Rd, West Bengal
12LCAE Lalbagh Court Road 06:0506:06--1m161.86723mERLalbagh Court Road, West Bengal
13NLSF Niyalish Para 06:1106:1211m167.32423mERNational Highway 34, West Bengal
14KGLE Khagraghat Road 06:1806:19--1m169.73622mERKhagraghat, West Bengal
15KNSN Karna Subarna 06:3706:38--1m180.65128mERKhagraghat - Chowrigacha, West Bengal
16CWLE Chowrigacha 06:4906:50--1m189.94519mERChowrigacha, West Bengal
17BZLE Bazarsau 07:0007:0111m197.53021mERBazarsau, West Bengal
18TYAE Tenya 07:1507:1611m1104.44219mERTenya, West Bengal
19MHTR Malihati Talibpur Road 07:2207:23--1m1108.74523mERMalihati Talibpur Road, West Bengal
20SALE Salar 07:2607:2711m1110.94525mERDist - Murshidabad 742401, West Bengal
21JHBN Jhamatpur Baharan 07:3207:33--1m1114.74624mERGoai, West Bengal
22GGLE Gangatikuri 07:3707:38--1m1117.82819mERState Highway 6, West Bengal
23KWAE Katwa Junction 08:00--1128.2-22mERDist - Bardhaman 713130, West Bengal

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Nimtita - Katwa DEMU

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Nimtita to Katwa Junction

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Nimtita to Katwa

Nimtita - Katwa DEMU Train Number 73036 runs in Nimtita to Katwa Route. Above is the complete details about 73036 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.