Jind - Sonipat DEMU Train No 74020

This article contains information about Jind - Sonipat DEMU train route, Jind - Sonipat DEMU train time table, Jind - Sonipat DEMU train schedule, Jind - Sonipat DEMU coach position, 74020 train route, 74020 train time table, 74020 train schedule, 74020 coach position, 74020 Stations, 74020 platform number, 74020 train platform. Also you will know train route from Jind to Sonipat, train schedule from Jind to Sonipat, train time table from Jind to Sonipat.


Jind - Sonipat DEMU

Jind - Sonipat DEMU Train Number 74020 from Jind Junction to Sonipat is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in NR/Northern Zone. It has started services from Sun Jun 26, 2016. It has 12 halts. 12 intermediate Stations between Jind Junction and Sonipat Covering a total distance of 90 km in 2h 20m time. The Departure time of Jind - Sonipat DEMU from Jind Junction is 10:30 and arrival time at Sonipat is 12:50 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Jind Junction station and Platform Number 4 at Sonipat.

Schedule of Jind - Sonipat DEMU

From: JIND Jind Junction
To: SNP Sonipat
Departs @ 10:30
Arrive @ 12:50
Platform --
Platform 4
Type: DEMU
Travel Time: 2h 20m
12 halts
Distance: 90 km
Avg Speed: 38 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Jind - Sonipat DEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1JIND Jind Junction 10:30--10.027228mNRHaryana 126102, Haryana
2JCY Jind City 10:3810:39--1m13.747228mNRJind, Haryana
3PPDE Pandu Pindara 10:4610:47--1m19.165228mNRHaryana 126110, Haryana
4LTKHR Lalat Khera 10:5810:59--1m121.059227mNRHaryana 126101, Haryana
5BHMBV Bhambeva 11:0711:08--1m128.942228mNRBham Bhewa, Haryana
6ISPKR Isapur Kheri 11:1511:16--1m133.831226mNRSiwana Mal, Haryana
7BTANA Butana 11:2311:24--1m137.447229mNRButana Khetlan, Haryana
8KNDRI Khandrai 11:3111:32--1m142.853226mNRStation Road, Haryana
9GHNA Gohana 11:3911:40--1m149.059226mNRGohana, Haryana
10RABRH Rabrah 11:4911:50--1m157.846227mNRSikandarpur Majra, Haryana
11LATH Lath 11:5811:59--1m164.053225mNRLath Station Rd, Haryana
12MHANA Mohana 12:0712:08--1m171.252227mNRMohana Station Rd, Haryana
13BRWSN Barwasni 12:1912:20--1m180.718224mNRKilorad, Haryana
14SNP Sonipat 12:504189.6-232mNRHaryana 131304, Haryana

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Jind - Sonipat DEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
No Data
Total Alternet Trains: 0

Return Train from Jind Junction to Sonipat

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
74019Sonipat - Jind DEMU xMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 1

Train From Jind to Sonipat

Jind - Sonipat DEMU Train Number 74020 runs in Jind to Sonipat Route. Above is the complete details about 74020 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.