Bhatinda Fazilka DMU Train No 74985

This article contains information about Bhatinda Fazilka DMU train route, Bhatinda Fazilka DMU train time table, Bhatinda Fazilka DMU train schedule, Bhatinda Fazilka DMU coach position, 74985 train route, 74985 train time table, 74985 train schedule, 74985 coach position, 74985 Stations, 74985 platform number, 74985 train platform. Also you will know train route from Bathinda to Fazilka, train schedule from Bathinda to Fazilka, train time table from Bathinda to Fazilka.


Bhatinda Fazilka DMU

Bhatinda Fazilka DMU Train Number 74985 from Bathinda Junction to Fazilka Junction is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in NR/Northern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 17 halts. 17 intermediate Stations between Bathinda Junction and Fazilka Junction Covering a total distance of 123 km in 3h 5m time. The Departure time of Bhatinda Fazilka DMU from Bathinda Junction is 07:10 and arrival time at Fazilka Junction is 10:15 . It usually comes on Platform Number 6 at Bathinda Junction station and Platform Number -- at Fazilka Junction.

Schedule of Bhatinda Fazilka DMU

From: BTI Bathinda Junction
To: FKA Fazilka Junction
Departs @ 07:10
Arrive @ 10:15
Platform 6
Platform --
Type: DEMU
Travel Time: 3h 5m
17 halts
Distance: 123 km
Avg Speed: 40 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Bhatinda Fazilka DMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BTI Bathinda Junction 07:10610.061207mNRBathinda, Punjab
2GNA Goneana Bhai Jagta 07:2207:23--1m112.364207mNRGoniana, Punjab
3CBX Chand Bhan 07:3007:3111m119.783210mNRJaitu, Punjab
4GJUT Gangsar Jaitu 07:3607:3822m126.644209mNRJaitu, Punjab
5AJTM Ajitgill Matta 07:4407:4511m131.142209mNRKotkapura Jaitu Rd, Punjab
6RLS Romana Albel Singh 07:5007:5111m134.529208mNRKotkapura Jaitu Rd, Punjab
7KKP Kot Kapura Junction 08:0808:1012m142.860210mNRKotkapura, Punjab
8WDJ Wanderjatana 08:1908:20--1m151.858203mNRState Highway 16, Punjab
9BRW Bariwala 08:2908:31--2m160.542206mNRMandi Bariwala, Punjab
10JBW Jhabelwali 08:3908:40--1m166.134201mNRState Highway 16, Punjab
11CWN Charawan 08:4408:45--1m168.358201mNRState Highway 16, Punjab
12MKS Muktsar 08:5208:54--2m175.140199mNRMuktsar, Punjab
13BDBG Badhai Balamgarh Halt 09:0409:05--1m181.759200mNRBadhai Balamgarh, Punjab
14BSGR Bhagsar 09:1009:11--1m186.746197mNRRamgarh Chungha, Punjab
15LKW Lakhewali 09:1809:2012m192.151194mNRCourt Rd, Punjab
16RRW Roranwala 09:3009:31--1m1100.538188mNRJandwala Bhimeshah, Punjab
17CKA Chak Pakhewala 09:4009:41--1m1106.235183mNRChimne Wala, Punjab
18CKLA Chak Banwala 09:4809:49--1m1110.329182mNRChimne Wala, Punjab
19FKA Fazilka Junction 10:15--1122.9-179mNRFazilka, Punjab

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Bhatinda Fazilka DMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
14731Delhi -Fazilka InterCity Express SMTWTFS
54784Rewari Fazilka Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Bathinda Junction to Fazilka Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
14732Fazilka-Delhi Intercity Express SMTWTFS
74986Fazilka Bathinda DMU SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Bathinda to Fazilka

Bhatinda Fazilka DMU Train Number 74985 runs in Bathinda to Fazilka Route. Above is the complete details about 74985 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.