Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU Train No 75234

This article contains information about Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU train route, Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU train time table, Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU train schedule, Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU coach position, 75234 train route, 75234 train time table, 75234 train schedule, 75234 coach position, 75234 Stations, 75234 platform number, 75234 train platform. Also you will know train route from Sitamarhi to Raxaul, train schedule from Sitamarhi to Raxaul, train time table from Sitamarhi to Raxaul.

Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU

Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU Train Number 75234 from Sitamarhi Junction to Raxaul Junction is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in ECR/East Central Zone. It has started services from Sat Apr 02, 2016. It has 7 halts. 15 intermediate Stations between Sitamarhi Junction and Raxaul Junction Covering a total distance of 83 km in 2h 45m time. The Departure time of Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU from Sitamarhi Junction is 13:45 and arrival time at Raxaul Junction is 16:30 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Sitamarhi Junction station and Platform Number -- at Raxaul Junction.

Schedule of Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU

From: SMI Sitamarhi Junction
To: RXL Raxaul Junction
Departs @ 13:45
Arrive @ 16:30
Platform --
Platform --
Type: DEMU
Zone:ECR/East Central
Travel Time: 2h 45m
7 halts
Distance: 83 km
Avg Speed: 30 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1SMI Sitamarhi Junction 13:45--10.03370mECRSitamarhi, Bihar
2RIGA Riga 14:0214:04--2m19.34572mECRSitamarhi, Bihar
3DAG Dhang 14:1914:2112m120.54875mECRSitamarhi, Bihar
4BGU Bairgania 14:3214:3412m129.22677mECRSitamarhi, Bihar
5KWC Kundwa Chainpur 14:5714:5912m139.24080mECREast Champaran, Bihar
6GRH Ghorasahan 15:1115:13--2m147.14482mECREast Champaran, Bihar
7CAO Chauradano 15:2915:31--2m158.84180mECREast Champaran, Bihar
8ADX Adapur 15:4815:5012m170.41883mECRDistt: East Champaran, Bihar
9RXL Raxaul Junction 16:30--182.5-87mECREast Champaran, Bihar

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
14008Sadbhavana Express xxTxTxx
14018Sadbhavana Express (via Faizabad) xxxWxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Sitamarhi Junction to Raxaul Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
14007Sadbhavna Express xxxWxFx
14017Sadbhavna Express (via Faizabad) xxxxTxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Sitamarhi to Raxaul

Sitamarhi - Raxaul DEMU Train Number 75234 runs in Sitamarhi to Raxaul Route. Above is the complete details about 75234 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.