Gadwal - Raichur DEMU Train No 77689

This article contains information about Gadwal - Raichur DEMU train route, Gadwal - Raichur DEMU train time table, Gadwal - Raichur DEMU train schedule, Gadwal - Raichur DEMU coach position, 77689 train route, 77689 train time table, 77689 train schedule, 77689 coach position, 77689 Stations, 77689 platform number, 77689 train platform. Also you will know train route from Gadwal to Raichur, train schedule from Gadwal to Raichur, train time table from Gadwal to Raichur.

Gadwal - Raichur DEMU

Gadwal - Raichur DEMU Train Number 77689 from Gadwal Junction to Raichur Junction is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in SCR/South Central Zone. It has started services from Sat Oct 12, 2013. It has 3 halts. 3 intermediate Stations between Gadwal Junction and Raichur Junction Covering a total distance of 57 km in 1h 40m time. The Departure time of Gadwal - Raichur DEMU from Gadwal Junction is 14:50 and arrival time at Raichur Junction is 16:30 . It usually comes on Platform Number 1 at Gadwal Junction station and Platform Number 1 at Raichur Junction.

Schedule of Gadwal - Raichur DEMU

From: GWD Gadwal Junction
To: RC Raichur Junction
Departs @ 14:50
Arrive @ 16:30
Platform 1
Platform 1
Type: DEMU
Zone:SCR/South Central
Travel Time: 1h 40m
3 halts
Distance: 57 km
Avg Speed: 34 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Gadwal - Raichur DEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1GWD Gadwal Junction 14:50110.054328mSCRGadwal Dist., Telangana
2PJPR Priyadarshini Jurala Project Road 15:0715:0811m115.345359mSCRMahabubnagar Dist., Telangana
3PASR Panduranga Swamy Road 15:2415:2511m127.245389mSCRMahabub Nagar Dist, Telangana
4CDBH Chandrabanda Halt 15:4415:4511m141.621384mSCRUnnamed Road, Karnataka
5RC Raichur Junction 16:301157.0-406mSCRRaichur, Karnataka

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Gadwal - Raichur DEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
77693Kacheguda - Raichur DEMU SMTWTFx
Total Alternet Trains: 1

Return Train from Gadwal Junction to Raichur Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
77694Raichur - Kacheguda DEMU SxTWTFS
77690Raichur - Gadwal DEMU SMTWTFx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Gadwal to Raichur

Gadwal - Raichur DEMU Train Number 77689 runs in Gadwal to Raichur Route. Above is the complete details about 77689 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.