Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger Train No 78410

This article contains information about Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger train route, Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger train time table, Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger train schedule, Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger coach position, 78410 train route, 78410 train time table, 78410 train schedule, 78410 coach position, 78410 Stations, 78410 platform number, 78410 train platform. Also you will know train route from Bhubaneswar to Dhanmandal, train schedule from Bhubaneswar to Dhanmandal, train time table from Bhubaneswar to Dhanmandal.


Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger

Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger Train Number 78410 from Bhubaneswar to Dhanmandal is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in ECoR/East Coast Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 14 halts. 15 intermediate Stations between Bhubaneswar and Dhanmandal Covering a total distance of 63 km in 1h 50m time. The Departure time of Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger from Bhubaneswar is 17:45 and arrival time at Dhanmandal is 19:35. It usually comes on Platform Number 2 at Bhubaneswar station and Platform Number -- at Dhanmandal.

Schedule of Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger

From: BBS Bhubaneswar
To: DNM Dhanmandal
Departs @ 17:45
Arrive @ 19:35
Platform 2
Platform --
Type: DEMU
Zone:ECoR/East Coast
Travel Time: 1h 50m
14 halts
Distance: 63 km
Avg Speed: 35 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BBS Bhubaneswar 17:45210.05240mECoRBhubaneshwar, Odisha
2BNBH Vani Vihar 17:4917:50--1m13.52939mECoRBhubaneswar, Odisha
3MCS Mancheswar 17:5717:58--1m16.83629mECoRDist - Khordha 751017, Odisha
4PTAB Patia P.H. 18:0318:04--1m19.85430mECoRBhubaneshwar, Odisha
5BRAG Barang 18:1118:12--1m116.16429mECoRDist - Cuttack, Odisha
6GBK Gopalpur Balkuda 18:1918:20--1m123.53227mECoRGopalpur Balikuda, Odisha
7KTJI Katha Jori 18:2518:26--1m126.21227mECoRCuttack, Odisha
8CTC Cuttack Junction 18:3518:4015m127.95028mECoRDist - Cuttack 753003, Odisha
9KNPR Kendrapara Road 18:4518:46--1m132.13827mECoRKendrapara Road, Odisha
10MACR Manguli Chowdwar 18:5218:53--1m135.92627mECoRManguli Chowdwar, Odisha
11NRG Nergundi Junction 18:5919:00--1m138.55226mECoRCuttack District, Odisha
12KIS Kapilas Road Junction 19:0519:06--1m142.87024mECoRTangi, Odisha
13SJDR Sri Jhadeshwar Road 19:1119:12--1m148.64830mECoRNational Highway 5, Odisha
14BYY Byree 19:1719:18--1m152.65332mECoRBairi, Odisha
15BRTG Barithengarh 19:2319:24--1m157.03525mECoRCuttack, Odisha
16DNM Dhanmandal 19:35--163.4-38mECoRNear NH5, Odisha

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12822Dhauli Express SMTWTFS
18646East Coast Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Bhubaneswar to Dhanmandal

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12821Dhauli Express SMTWTFS
18645East Coast Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Bhubaneswar to Dhanmandal

Bhubaneswar Dhanmandal Passenger Train Number 78410 runs in Bhubaneswar to Dhanmandal Route. Above is the complete details about 78410 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.