Andheri-Virar Slow Local Train No 90681

This article contains information about Andheri-Virar Slow Local train route, Andheri-Virar Slow Local train time table, Andheri-Virar Slow Local train schedule, Andheri-Virar Slow Local coach position, 90681 train route, 90681 train time table, 90681 train schedule, 90681 coach position, 90681 Stations, 90681 platform number, 90681 train platform. Also you will know train route from Church to Borivali, train schedule from Church to Borivali, train time table from Church to Borivali.


Andheri-Virar Slow Local

Andheri-Virar Slow Local Train Number 90681 from Church Gate to Borivali is a EMU - Mumbai train belonging to Indian Railways in WR/Western Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 11 halts. 21 intermediate Stations between Church Gate and Borivali Covering a total distance of 34 km in 0h 55m time. The Departure time of Andheri-Virar Slow Local from Church Gate is 15:08 and arrival time at Borivali is 16:03. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Church Gate station and Platform Number -- at Borivali.

Schedule of Andheri-Virar Slow Local

From: CCG Church Gate
To: BVI Borivali
Departs @ 15:08
Arrive @ 16:03
Platform --
Platform --
Type: EMU - Mumbai
Travel Time: 0h 55m
11 halts
Distance: 34 km
Avg Speed: 37 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Andheri-Virar Slow Local

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1CCG Church Gate 15:08--10.04014mWRMumbai, Maharashtra
2MEL Marine Lines 15:1015:11--1m11.3497mWRMumbai, Maharashtra
3CYR Charni Road 15:1215:13--1m12.1469mWRMumbai, Maharashtra
4GTR Grant Road 15:1515:16--1m13.7527mWRMumbai, Maharashtra
5BCL Mumbai Central Local 15:1715:18--1m14.6595mWRMumbai, Maharashtra
6DDR Dadar Western 15:2415:25--1m110.5517mWRMumbai, Maharashtra
7BA Bandra 15:3015:31--1m114.7486mWRMumbai, Maharashtra
8ADH Andheri 15:4015:41--1m121.94014mWRDist-Mumbai suburban Mumbai, Maharashtra
9JOS Jogeshwari 15:4415:45--1m123.94714mWRMumbai, Maharashtra
10GMN Goregaon 15:4915:5011m127.05015mWRMumbai - 400104, Maharashtra
11MDD Malad 15:5315:54--1m129.55817mWRMumbai:-400097, Maharashtra
12KILE Kandivli 15:5615:57--1m131.52815mWRMumbai- 400101, Maharashtra
13BVI Borivali 16:03--134.2-18mWRMumbai- 400066, Maharashtra

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Andheri-Virar Slow Local

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
93103Churchgate - Dahanu Road Fast Local SMTWTFS
90137Churchgate - Borivali Slow Local SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Church Gate to Borivali

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Church to Borivali

Andheri-Virar Slow Local Train Number 90681 runs in Church to Borivali Route. Above is the complete details about 90681 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.