Pune -Talegaon EMU Train No 99904

This article contains information about Pune -Talegaon EMU train route, Pune -Talegaon EMU train time table, Pune -Talegaon EMU train schedule, Pune -Talegaon EMU coach position, 99904 train route, 99904 train time table, 99904 train schedule, 99904 coach position, 99904 Stations, 99904 platform number, 99904 train platform. Also you will know train route from Pune to Talegaon, train schedule from Pune to Talegaon, train time table from Pune to Talegaon.


Pune -Talegaon EMU

Pune -Talegaon EMU Train Number 99904 from Pune Junction to Talegaon is a EMU - Pune train belonging to Indian Railways in CR/Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 10 halts. 12 intermediate Stations between Pune Junction and Talegaon Covering a total distance of 34 km in 0h 50m time. The Departure time of Pune -Talegaon EMU from Pune Junction is 08:57 and arrival time at Talegaon is 09:47 . It usually comes on Platform Number 4 at Pune Junction station and Platform Number -- at Talegaon.

Schedule of Pune -Talegaon EMU

From: PUNE Pune Junction
To: TGN Talegaon
Departs @ 08:57
Arrive @ 09:47
Platform 4
Platform --
Type: EMU - Pune
Travel Time: 0h 50m
10 halts
Distance: 34 km
Avg Speed: 41 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Pune -Talegaon EMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1PUNE Pune Junction 08:57410.037556mCRPune 411001, Maharashtra
2SVJR Shivajinagar 09:0109:0211m12.554552mCRPune 411005, Maharashtra
3KK Khadki 09:0609:0721m16.032563mCRPune 411003, Maharashtra
4DAPD Dapodi 09:1109:12--1m18.267559mCRPune 411012, Maharashtra
5KSWD Kasarwadi 09:1509:1621m111.578558mCRPune 411034, Maharashtra
6PMP Pimpri 09:1809:1921m114.145569mCRPune 411018, Maharashtra
7CCH Chinchwad 09:2209:23--1m116.464574mCRPune 411033, Maharashtra
8AKRD Akurdi 09:2609:2721m119.574585mCRPune 411035, Maharashtra
9DEHR Dehu Road 09:3109:32--1m124.572611mCRDehu 412101, Maharashtra
10BGWI Begdewadi 09:3509:36--1m128.190594mCRTalegaon, Maharashtra
11GRWD Ghorawadi 09:3809:39--1m131.123596mCRGhorawadi, Maharashtra
12TGN Talegaon 09:47--134.1-621mCRTalegaon Dabhade 410501, Maharashtra

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Pune -Talegaon EMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
11008Deccan Express SMTWTFS
11030Koyna Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Pune Junction to Talegaon

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
11007Deccan Express SMTWTFS
11029Koyna Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Pune to Talegaon

Pune -Talegaon EMU Train Number 99904 runs in Pune to Talegaon Route. Above is the complete details about 99904 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.